The good, bad and confused feelings

-Marie's POV-

As we walked out of the house I tried shaking off the bad feeling in my gut. I turn to look at Shadow Cat to see him wearing the same smile he had when I agreed on the date. I can tell he was happy about it. I smiled at the thought of the perfect date with the perfect man. Suddenly I felt a shiver down my spine. The bad feeling grew. I tried shaking it off. Maybe I am just being paranoid. This is my first time out of the house in 3 weeks so it's normal right? Trying to make myself feel better I take his hand in mine as we walk up the stairs and out of the house.

-Shadow's POV-

I look down to our hands as she intertwined her fingers with mine. I smile feeling amazing after this. I can't explain it but it feel like home. Her hand fit perfectly on mine. It was as it they were made for each other. Even someone like me can have that thing that made them feel safe and this has definitely got to be it. If only this could last forever but unfortunately it won't go past this weekend.

I lead her to the end of the alleyway and tap on a fake wall I had built to hide my car. I then grab our disguises and place the suitcase in the trunk of the mustang. Being the gentleman my mom taught me to be when I was a little boy I opened the passenger door for her allowing her to get in and closing it behind her. After getting inside the car I give her the disguise and take my own.

"What's this?" she asked curiously holding her wig. I laugh softly before answering "It's your disguise. You are either supposed to be missing or dead therefore you have to disguise yourself. Unless you, well you know want me to get caught." I chuckle at the last part. If this was my last weekend with her then I might as well enjoy it.

She looks at me and giggles softly. God I love her giggles. "Now why would I want that? What good is a princess without her prince?" She answers sarcastically. I laugh at her response. Princess huh? Soon her giggles quiet down and I look at her to see a frown had replaced her smile.

"Shadow?" "Hmm" "Does that mean I can finally know who you really are?" She asked me shyly. I didn't think of that. But if I am going to go through with my plan she can't know. That would just make things more difficult. "I-I don't think it's the right time yet." I answer honestly. I did not make eye contact I couldn't. I could already see the look of disappointment in my head seeing it in real life would just be painful. When I finally turn to look at her I see she had turned her head towards the window covering her face.

She was silent for a moment but then she inhaled loudly and spoke. "Why? Why not?" From the tone in her voice I could tell she was upset. Damn it. She asked me. What am I going to tell her? I can't tell her the truth. How could I possibly tell her that after my plan is completed its best that she doesn't know who I am or what my face looks like? So I told her the next best thing.

"It is still dangerous and I can't risk your safety. I can't be calm knowing your life could be in danger. Please understand me." I grab her face and turn her face so that she can face me. She nods silently and puts her glasses and wig on.

I follow her by putting on my hat and pulling my white hoodie up on top of it turning to cover myself as I remove my mask quickly replacing it with custom made white sunglasses. I turn to look at her and smile "so ready for the best weekend of your life?" I ask her knowing damn well it would not end well but I couldn't tell her that. I had to make as many memories as I could before then. "As ready as I'll ever be" she answered with a giggle.

After a long 3 hour drive and hour in the ferry and another 2 hour drive we finally arrived at my mansion. Yes I had a private island. Well it was my father's original home but was left to me. It was meant to be used for vacations which I never take. "Marie we're here." I shake her gently trying to wake her up but I get no response. "Prin- Marie wake up" she finally yawns and opens her eyes slowly. "I'm up" she says trying to play it off. I laugh "sure you are that's why I had to shake you awake" she giggles at my response.

"Okay, Okay I'm up now though" I laugh again "Ok well come on we are here." I quickly get up and open the door for her. As she gets out of the car she gasps at the sight of the mansion. "WOW, this is amazing" she breathes out. I chuckle at her response. "I knew you'd like it princess." She looks at me with a shocked expression and takes off her disguise. "I'm back to being your princess?" she asks me with a smile.

I felt a wave of relief wash over me. I did not mean to call her princess; I really thought she would be mad at me since she had told me that day not to call her that ever again. I smile widely. "You have always been. You will never stop being my princess" I let out as I grab both of her hands with mine.

I can see her smile, her eyes had a sparkle I had never seen before and her skin glowed like she was a figment of my imagination. I had to hold her hands to make sure she was real. "I love being you princess cat. That is as long as you are my prince." She spoke looking right into my eyes. My heart pounded so loudly I was afraid she would hear it. I was in love and I could see something in her eyes as well. Could it also be love?