A day for making memories

The following morning Luke wakes up to the smell of bacon. He gets up to a sitting position in the bed and smiles widely and the thought of last night's events. His princess was actually his. She gave herself to him. After all that happened, she chooses to be with him. Not only had she given him the first kiss but she had lost her virginity to him as well. Well, he had stolen it before but this time she actually gave her everything to him.

His smiles fades when he wonders if she actually said those three words to him. How could he be too tired to understand? He wants to ask her but if she did say them, she will repeat them, right? Luke quickly gets up and puts his clothes back on and heads to the kitchen where the amazing scent of bacon is coming from.

Luke stood in the doorway staring at Marie as she moves her way around the kitchen like a pro. Waking up to the love of his life cooking breakfast was the most amazing feeling ever. "Good morning my beautiful princess." Luke says happily as he walks and hugs her from behind giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Morning babe" she replies turning around to peck his lips. *Babe? I love the sound of that* Luke thinks to himself.

"Umm so do you want to go sightseeing? I'm sure there are plenty of amazing things you haven't seen yet and I would love to be the one you make memories with." Luke asked nervously. "I would love to cat."

After breakfast both Marie and Luke changed to their matching outfits and got ready to spend the day sightseeing. Luke then grabbed a camera and Marie's hand and led her towards the car. Turns out that Marie never got out much so Luke was able to show her so many things making sure he took pictures of everything they did together.

He would always light up when she giggled or jumped up and down excited like a little girl. It was by far the best day of his life. That was until he saw Marie's smile fade when she saw an older couple holding dancing in the street while others played music.

"Hey are you okay?" Luke asked Marie nodded and shamefully looked away. She knew that she had just ruined their moment. "Yeah, I'm sorry it's just that they remind me of my parents. They used to always dance around the house every time their favorite song would play. I just miss them." Luke frowned and lowered his head.

After last night he thought maybe he didn't have to go through with his plan. He thought that maybe they could be happy together but now he can see that will never happen. He knew they couldn't stay in the island forever she will never be happy without her family and he could never walk on the street freely back home they will always be in danger she will always be in danger. Luke knew what he had to do; he would go through with his original plan. His heart broke as he decided it but he put up a fake smile and said "I promise you will see them soon princess." Marie smiled at his words.

"Come on there is more to see" Marie said trying to lighten the mood. Marie and Luke then spend another few hours doing everything fun they could find, Luke making sure he would take lots of picture to have something to remember her by. Their night ended with a picnic under the stars. Marie could not believe how amazing Luke was and how out of the girls in the world he had chosen to be with her.

After the amazingly romantic picnic Luke had planned out for them. Marie noticed Luke's mood change as they rode back home but she thought maybe it was because they night had ended so soon.

For Marie the entire day was a dream come true but the highlight of the night was definitely the romantic picnic Luke had set up. Feeding each other, dancing under the stars, and constellation searching was all dreamy. She had indeed found her soulmate she was sure of it. She had never been so happy even after the small hiccup she had.

The couple were now on the way back home. Marie wished they could stay another night but Shadow had to get back home. Marie hated that they had to leave she wished they could stay here forever just them two, no danger, no police, nothing but them and their love but she understands him he also had a life.

As they get closer to the mansion to pack their things Marie's chest tightens. She puts a hand on her chest and begins to rub circles around it. There it is, that feeling again. Marie felt it again she was sure something bad would happen. Marie tries to relax and shake the feeling away but the feelings become stronger as the minutes tick by.

Marie then turns to look at Luke only to notice the expression on his face. He looked as if he was broken, worried, maybe scared? Marie can see from the look in his eyes that there is something going on. Could this be about the call he got earlier?

Upon the sight of shadows expression Marie chest tightened even more. There was definitely something going on. She knew she could not just tell him that she had a bad feeling so instead she cleared her thought and sounding confident spoke up "Are you okay babe you look worried?" Luke then looks at her and gives her a smile and nods.

Marie fakes a smile back and turns to hide her face. Something inside her broke. She knew his smile was fake, she hoped he would be honest to her but he wasn't. She knew if it was related to the business, he wouldn't tell her so she wouldn't worry but she just wished he would trust her more.

Even though his fake smile Marie could see a mixture of sadness, fear and pain but knowing he did not want to talk about it she decided not to push it farther. As they arrived back home, they packed their bags and once again headed out. This time back to their original home well his original home.

"The drive back is quite long and it's close to midnight, you should get some rest and I'll wake you up when we arrive sounds good princess?" Luke asks her placing a soft kiss on her forehead. Marie nods and gives him a quiet thanks as she closes her eyes and soon drifts off to sleep. After noticing Marie had fallen asleep Luke finally took a deep breath allowing the tears he had been desperately trying to hide to fall.

He could not hold them back anymore it all hurt so badly. His heart was shattered into a million pieces. Soon after deciding he would through with his original plan, he got a call. The United Devils were attacked taking heavy losses Shadow was needed. Luke was more certain than ever that he had to let her go. Things were getting bad and he could not risk her safety.

Luke sobbed silently at the thought of the pain both him and Marie would go through but he was sure it was for the best. He was a criminal, he would never be free, he would always be in danger, and therefore he would never be able to make her happy.

Luke turned to look at a sleeping Marie taking in her beauty one last time. Everything was so painful. He did not want to lose her, he did not want to hurt her, but he could not keep doing this to her. Luke was aware that Marie cried at night because she missed her parents dearly. No matter how hard Marie tried to hide it Luke knew it. For a few days the cries had stopped but when she saw the couple today she cried again.

She would always miss them and being with him would not only constantly put her in danger but he could never take her to spend time with her family he could not give her the wedding of her dreams as soon as the enemies knew she was alive they would come for both of them he could not have that. As much as he loved her, he had to do this for her even if she hates him for it.

After a long drive and a few hours, they finally arrived but this time they were not home in fact they would not leave the car together. Luke cleaned his face and placed his mask back on before waking Marie up. "Princess, wake up we are here" Luke's voice cracks. He then clears his throat and tries to put a brave face. He knew he had to do it now before he changed his mind. "Princess please wake up" Luke shakes her softly trying to wake her up.

Luke then sees Marie begin to stir and wake up so he cleans out the tears that had just fallen and takes a deep breath. "Are we home?" she asked while fighting to keep her eyes open. "Umm yeah you are" he answers silently cursing himself for not keeping his voice from breaking. "You are?" Marie opens her eyes and looks towards Shadow questioningly. "What do you mean you are?" Marie cleans her eyes and proceeded to look out of the car window. She gasps as she noticed she is outsides her parents place.

"What is the meaning of this Luke? I don't understand. Why am I here? What does this mean?" Marie questions clearly upset. She knew she should be happy to be able to see her parent again but does this mean what she thinks this meant. Was he leaving her? She watches as Luke closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before answering "this means goodbye Marie."