Changes, nightmares, and obsesion

Marie's parents could not help being worried about their little girl. Ever since coming face to face with that criminal her daughter had not been the same. Of course the current situations were definitely something that was life changing but they wished she knew that she is not alone. They wished she would forget of that man but she couldn't.

They could see the pain in her eyes every time someone mentioned his name, they could hear her cries at night, and they could hear her talk to her baby saying she wished he came back. This was not their Marie, their daughter had changed drastically, their daughter was not the positive girl they knew even though she tried to be, she was broken and it was all thanks to that criminal.

Marie kept herself busier than ever. Even being pregnant she would go to school and then head to work not coming home till early morning not really sleeping only to do it all again the next day. They did not understand why, they had found jobs, she did not need to work but she still did. She was wearing herself out it was as if she had to. It as as if she had no want to live and it was all because of him!

They worried for Marie. Their baby girl was graduating in a few days which should be a reason to be happy and celebrate but that was not the case. Marie did not seem excited, at least not like before. She had gotten a scholarship for the best medical school in the United States yet she did not even seem happy. They truly hoped this was temporary.

Meanwhile Shadow Cat stalked from a nearby roof. Ever since that night even though he could not come close to the love of his life he watched her from afar ensuring her safety.

He never stop loving this girl and he will never stop. In fact it was quite the opposite the more he observed her from afar the more he wanted to be with her, and the more his love grew to the point where it was an obsession. He too had changed, losing her had taken a toll of him. He had became emotionally unstable he was destroyed but it was all for the best right?

He hated the fact that he promised to stay away that night but she gave him no choice. So he did and now he cursed the second he had agreed to make that promise. Since then, every night it haunted his dreams. He had abandoned her, she hated him and wanted him away for ever.

Shadow felt as if he was going crazy, his nightmares did not help him either. He constantly had dreams of her asking him for help while being beaten to death and for some reason he could never get to her on time.

No matter what he did he never got there on time, he couldn't save her. The dream always ended with her saying "You abandoned us" before being killed. "Us" why us? He thought to himself. Either way nothing would stop him from not allowing the dream to come true so even if he couldn't stand by her and hold her hand he would protect without her knowledge. He will always watch from the rooftops.

He knew her schedule like no one else did. Every morning he would watch over her as she left her house, he would follow her from the rooftops. He watched her walks to school and back, her walks to work and back, her walks to the store and occasionally a nearby clinic. As much as he wanted to know why the go to the clinic he didn't get involved. If she found out he was around she would never forgive him. He just hoped she was well had he fucked her up that bad?

If only she knew he was trying to change for her. True that he still committed some crimes but none that were not completely necessary. The past six months he did not steal another thing not that he did that often anyways he had always been rich.

He no longer did jobs for people. It's true he had murdered 15 man the past 6 months but half of them were during the war protecting his life and his brother and the others were to protect her. That's right her late night walks did not go unnoticed if it wasn't for him watching over her she would have come across many dangerous situations.

If she knew that he did most of them to protect her would she forgive him for ending their lives? After all he saved her life all 7 different times. But it probably would not matter, she wanted him away. For the past two month he had not committed any crimes he wanted to be worthy of her but would it matter?

He often found himself wondering if there was anything he could do to get her to forgive him. He wondered if she still loved him like he loved her. AJ told him tonight that they worked on a group project together and he saw the ring on her finger, the exact ring that matched Luke's but did she wear it because she still loved him or because she had forgotten she had it on? The thought of her still loving him filled him with hope.

Shadow Cat had his best friend AJ protect Marie at school without her knowing like he normally did before. After school he would take over himself and watch her from the rooftops. Besides Marie and Michael, his bestie AJ was the only other person in the world to know his identity. Not that it made him worry not only was AJ his best friend but he was like a brother, his father had basically adopted AJ as a kid and now he was the Shadows most loyal soldier.

Michael was his brother and leader and Marie was the love of his life, he knew his secret was safe and if he could trust him with his secret then he could trust him with Marie's life. AJ would not let him down. He would protect his princess.

Shadow missed the times he spent with his princess. He often found himself looking at the pictures of their last day together. They looked so happy, so peaceful, so free and so in love. They had their matching outfits, like they were the world's cutest couple.

If only he could remind her of how in love they were, if only he was a free man, if only there was no danger maybe just maybe he could be picking her up and driving her home every night. He could make her happy, he could marry her and have children with her. If only.

"But don't worry princess I will find a way to tell you I'm still here and I am still in love with you. I promise."