Kidnapped by the enemy and the rise of a leader

Shadow Cat got off Michael but not before taking his father's ring of Michael's finger. The ring was originally given to Shadow by his father on his deathbed as a sign of passing over leadership to him. Shadow in return gave it to Michael when he passed the leadership over to him but now the ring was were it belong, in Shadow Cat's finger alongside the ring that matched his princess ring.

Shadow looked at the rings in his finger once more then looked up at the gang. "You two" he pointed towards Michael's best friends "Get him some help fast" he commanded. Dumb folded one of the man asked "You won't kill him?" Shadow looked down at a seriously injured Michael and shook his head as a sign of no. Michael looked up at him in disbelieve with tears in his eyes. He couldn't believe that after everything he had done and said his brother was showing him mercy. But why?

Shadow walked towards Michael, and spoke softly but sternly at him. "I should kill you, father would have killed you, anyone else would have killed you, but I am not any of them and while even you probably would have killed me I decided not to care and show you mercy. Mercy because you are still my brother and I love you. You have been a good leader and one day I will make sure you lead again but... you must learn the meaning of respect.

I love her brother I would do anything for her, for my future child they are my entire world and I would do whatever it takes to save them. But even then you are still my brother, I hate that it had to come this far but you wouldn't understand. You left her to die knowing it would have lead to my death sooner or later, I asked for your help but you spat on my face, me your brother and best soldier.

That is not what a leader should do. You still have a lot to learn brother but don't worry I don't hate you and think of me leading as only temporary. After I have succeeded and rescue my princess I will make sure you lead again."

Michael never understood the meaning of love. He had never felt it before. Yes he loved his brother but it wasn't the same love as one you would feel for your soulmate. Michael knew not of love he only knew of heartbreak and pain.

Abandoned by his real father, mother and step dad murdered, raised by an aunt who was a drunk, and working hard to come back and show his real father that he was worth it but only finding out his father was dead and he had a half brother, nothing in his life had love. Had he felt it before? How could he be sure? He wasn't not until now.

Now Michael understood. He could see the look in his brother's eyes when he spoke of his princess. He could see the lengths he was willing to travel for her, he would take the war to the Kyojin himself for her and that was simply admirable. His brother loved him, he allowed him to live, Shadow was right he still had more to learn. Luckily he had a great little brother to teach him.

"What are you waiting for? Get him help now" Shadow commanded once again. The two man quickly moved to help their best friend and ex-leader. Shadow Cat then turned to face the rest of the gang members. "Find the location of the Kyojin, find Marie, I want her and my child back home safe and I want Randy's head! They want a war then a war we will give them. Now move!" Shadow spat the orders so naturally that no one would have guess he had been leading the gang only for a few seconds.

Hours had passed and there were still no news on the whereabouts of Marie. Shadow Cat searched every possible location where Randy could be hiding Marie but had not found even a clue on where his princess is being kept or if she is even still alive. His heart said she was every beat reassured him that her heart beats too. So he would keep searching, he would search until his heart stops beating.

Marie's parents also searched all over Canada, they even reported her kidnaping to the police who to their luck weren't very helpful. Even knowing what Marie had gone through they only said she could have simply decided to run away with the guy, that there was no sign of kidnapping and that they would need to wait at least 48 hrs. To file a missing persons report. At this point they were praying Shadow Cat would soon get luckier.

-Marie's POV-

8 hours earlier

I was so angry at Luke, every day that passed by without news from him filled my heart with anger. Randy was right Luke never cared. Hell even his best friend AJ showed me more support this past few months than him. Granted I have been a bit harsh to AJ and not answered any of his calls or texts lately but it had gotten really hard to hide the pregnancy. But at least he never stopped trying to check up on me and see if I needed anything. But where was Luke? Where was the father of my child? NOWHERE!

He was hurting me, and every day that passed by it hurt more and more. Knowing that my child would never meet his real father broke me and so I decided to try and break him as well. I want him to feel what I felt this past few months. So I wrote the letter, handed it to AJ and got ready for my date. Randy cares for me, he was not bothered by my pregnancy, and he wants to be there, so yes I have decided to give him a chance.

Randy picked me up about 2 hours ago, we had dinner at a fancy restaurant with a great view and we have been talking for hours. The date is pretty amazing. "It's getting pretty late, we should probably get you home before someone starts to worry." Randy spoke sweetly to me. He is so amazing I wish I could love him but through the entire dinner I wished I was here with my kitty. It does not matter how much I am mad at him right now I still love him with every fiber of my being. I am going to have to tell Randy the truth I can't date him not while I still love Shadow.

I nod and he offers me his hand. I graciously accepted it. Randy helps me up and I thank him. It has been really hard to move like before with this pregnancy. I even had to quit my job yesterday since I knew things would only get harder. "Thanks for all of this Randy I really had a great time." Now for the hard part I am not sure how to tell him I am not ready to be in a relationship with him. My thoughts are cut short but his voice.

"No problem I really enjoyed it as well." He makes this so hard. "Randy, I- I did have a great time but I don't know if I am ready for a relationship with you. Being there tonight I realized that no matter how angry I am I still love my ex. I don't think I will ever stop loving him. I am so sorry." I begin to walk away when I feel him grab my hand a pull me closer to him harshly. "Randy what are you doing let go of me." I begin getting nervous my heart beats faster. What the hell is wrong with him?

"You know really don't understand how an asshole like Shadow Cat got a girl like you. I really hate that guy" Randy spat out. Marie's eyes widened. Shadow? He knew? All this time he knew I was with Shadow? Who is this guy? "How did you know?" I ask scared to death. "How do you think? As his biggest enemy I was so happy to find his weakness. Never thought it be a girl like you. You know I really do care for you, it's too bad that you will always love him now I'm forced to do things a different way." Randy give me a smug smile and I gulp.

Randy begins to grab onto me really hard and pulls me to a darker side. "Randy let go of me, what are you doing you are hurting me." "Shut up! And as for what I'm doing well it's a surprise princess." He spat out. Princess? Is he fucking serious? No one calls me princess but Luke! "Don't call me that" I yell not thinking of the situation I was in. "You know you are making things harder than they need to be. They way I see it you can help me the good way or the bad way." "Fuck you!"

Randy pulls me harder and I begin feeling scared. "Fine have it your way!" His tone went from sweet to evil in a matter of seconds. His hold gets tighter and I whimper as his grip is beginning to hurt. "Randy you are hurting me please let go of me. Where are you taking me?" He continues to pull me silently until we reach a really dark alley way. "I can't do that. You see I need you. Now you are mine!" I cry and he laughs mockingly. This was a whole new Randy. One I had never met before an evil one.

"Never thought he was dumb enough to fall in love. Turns out he had been since he was young!" How does he know all this? "Why are you doing this to me? I have nothing to do with him anymore please let me go" I begged. "Never! I told you already you are mine. I will take everything he loves as he did me when he took my father! You know he really should have taught you not to trust anyone." He smirks at me. I can't believe this is happening. I never thought this would happen. It was a date, I thought he cared. It turns out the date was the biggest mistake I have ever made.

"Who are you?" I ask in fear. He then snaps his fingers and many men appear from the darkness and stand around us. "My eyes widened and I begin to panic. I knew what this meant and boy was I in trouble. "We are the Kyojin, and you are what I needed for my sweet, sweet revenge." He spoke with a smile. I need to get out of her so I do the only thing I thought of. I kicked him in the balls and try to run but I am caught by another man. In evident pain Randy gets up and walks over to me. "You bitch" he yells as he strikes me and my world goes dark.