Arriving too late

Shadow Cat lead the United Devils towards the Fortune Club in the mountains. He made sure to signal them to split into teams and cover every corner, every door, every window and every angel of the building as he didn't want there to be any type of escape. After searching all the surrounding Shadow, Michael, and a team of the most Elite members of the gang busted in the building. As thought the building seemed empty but taking into consideration AJ's words Shadow was eager to find a secret passageway. After about 20 minutes Michael found a button under the stairs.

"We got something" he whispered to Shadow. Moving like a cat Shadow silently walked towards Michael. The men were trying to be careful as they did not want to alert the Kyojin of their presence. Shadow stopped for a second to think.

Finding the button felt too easy most likely someone would have been alerted by now, and he knew this could only mean one of two things. Either this was a trap or the Kyojin were alerted of their last presence and are gone. He hope to God he was wrong and it was neither, but still they had to be ready.

"Chance, Tattoo, knuckles, Ray, and Chris get to the left, there rest to your right, Michael you and I will stay in the center. Everyone got it? Good" As the men moved to their positions Shadow pressed the yellow button on the bottom of the stairs.

The men were surprised when this made the stairs that once went up begin to shrink and push back revealing a secret hole in the floor and a who new set of steps appear but this time going down. AJ had been right. All this time we could have found Marie but we screwed up.

After the steps appeared the men half of the men lowered and the other half stayed up covering for them in case of it being a trap. Upon receiving the all clear signal they all joined and began searching in all the rooms in hope that they were still there. But they had been too late and once again they found nothing. Shadow Cat cursed loudly. "God damn it! We are too late again. Call AJ find out if there is any other spots they could have went. We need to find my princess before we are too fucking late."

As they walked out Shadow kept cursing and beating himself up for not seeing the button sooner. He was disappointed in himself all this time he could have save his princess but just like his dreams he had been too late again. The men got in their cars and were on their way back to headquarters when once again their cellphones beeped.

The news had once again been hacked.

-Marie's POV-

I woke up to find myself tied up to a table. My hands and legs were spread. I was bending down with stomach pressed tightly and painfully on the table and my ass in the air. Oh god this is not good. Not only am I sure I am hurting the baby but the way I am position could not be good. I immediately let out a tear, I know this would end badly. I was almost absolutely sure Randy would want to rape me also. Is this to send Shadow a message. Is this to say I am his now? NO! I rather die.

Why is he doing this to me? What is it that I did that was so bad? This seems like it way farther than revenge on Shadow. This seems like he wants to get revenge on me as well. But why? What did I do? Why doesn't he just kill me? I hope I am wrong, for my sake I really hope I am wrong. "Oh well look at that you are up honey" I grinded my teeth in anger as he spoke. I wanted to tell him to go fuck himself, to cut his tongue off for calling me that but I knew if I spoke it would be way worse.

I bend my neck and look up to see the camera had been placed on the other side of the table in front of me. I see Randy still giving me a smug smile that I wish I could wipe of his face but this time something is different. This time my mouth is not covered.

-Shadow Cat's POV-

We searched the whole building and once again found nothing. I was beyond upset, angry and disappointed in myself because AJ had been right, they were here, they had been fucking here this whole time. Keywords being were, and had but now, now they are gone.

I was too fucking late. Of course Randy would run like a god damn coward that is all he has ever been, a coward. He claims he wants me to show up, he claims he wants revenge, he claims to want a war yet he hides and runs like a bitch.

When I get my hands on him I am going to make him regret the moment he even thought about touching my princess. After yelling a few times and giving Michael orders on calling AJ I cursed again.

"They are gone, they are fucking gone! Someone please tell me how the fuck we missed them the first time. I should have known, I should have fucking known. When I get my hands on him I going to fucking kill that piece of shit."

"Shadow I spoke to AJ he says he has no idea where else he could go but maybe he can find another Kyojin member. Let's not waste time. Let's go" Michael said as he tried to get me to calm down. As we get in the car our phones beeped again. Once again the news had been hacked and transmitted to all the cell phones in Canada. That bastard! Shit, shit, shit No, not again. Oh please God not again, don't let this happen to my princess.

All suddenly the screen changes colors and Randy's face appears as a close up as he smirks. Not wasting time I give the order. "Chris call Nath get everyone working on finding me that location now!" I see him quickly make the call.

"Well, hello again Shadow Cat. I haven't heard from you since our last little video." Randy laughs villainously. "As you already know it has been another 12 hours since our last video and you do know what that means don't you?" My eyes leave my phones as I begin to yell at the guys "Move faster now, get to headquarters, and tell Cole I want that location now." Nervously and painfully I place my eyes back on my phone and continue watching the video.

Randy continues talking. "Ready for round two Shadow? Oh, but this time we are going to do things a bit different, right darling?" He turns to look at Marie and the camera moves closer to her. Oh God she looks awful, what are they doing to you princess?

The camera switches angles and I see that Marie is tied up and pressed to a table bet over. "NO YOU MOTHERFUCKER YOU BETTER NOT! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU IM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!" I begin to panic as move crazily as Michael tries to restrict me and calm me down. I can feel myself once again losing control.

"You know you came so close to finding her my dear Shadow Cat but you failed. I watched as you failed her but enough talking. How about we get to the good part?"