Knifes, bullets, and death

Marie watched as men ran around all with weapons in hands and bullet proof vests on bringing the fight to the United Devils. She was scared to death for Shadow Cat and herself but at the same time she couldn't help but feel happy. Shadow Cat was here! He had kept his promise, he was trying to protect her, he loved her and came back for her.

Now all that was left to hope for was that he still remained alive and well. She wanted to see him , to hug him, to get away from this war and make love to him. She couldn't wait to get out of there and start a new life with her baby and hopefully the man she loved. Everything was going to go according to plan right?

WRONG! It was true that the United Devils had the element of surprise but the Kyojin were ready. The had the best weapons known to man. For a second Shadow Cat thought it could be easy but he was far from being right. Randy had expected his visit, and not only did he have his man training really hard but he had a surprise for the leaders of the United Devils.

Maybe they did come sooner than he had predicted and expected but this will change nothing. Or so he thinks. That's when Randy pushed Marie to an extremely large and fancy room where an unknown man was expecting them.


Shadow Cat ran past the now dead giant and headed to another hallway that looked like it held about 10 large fancy rooms. He was going to search each one, he had to find Marie soon. That's when he came across a difficult problem. At the end of the hallway stood many members of the Kyojin headed towards him.

The men were quick to start shooting towards Shadow Cat but Shadow had always been quicker than any man in the world. He would not be called the best assassin if allowed a situation like this to stop him.

Running, jumping, and using all the walls to his advantage Shadow Cat dodged the bullets and ran towards the closest man sliding and kicking his legs to drop him on the floor. Shadow hear his bones crack and the man screaming before grabbing him and using him as the shield allowing his body to take the bullets.

Shadow Cat then let go of the man's body and jumped landing behind the second man and quickly snapping his neck. Shadow then jumped once again but this time pushing himself and running on the wall beside him reaching another Kyojin member. Before the man could shoot at him Shadow kicked the gun out of his hand and punched him in the face allowing him to pull out a gun and shooting him in the head.

Blood splattered all over the walls as the man fell on the ground. Shadow Cat the shoot the next man in the arm making him drop the gun. He quickly made a move to jump towards the man but to his surprise the man pulled out another gun.

As Shadow Cat saw the man pull a gun he dodged the man twisting his arm in the process and wrapping his arm around his neck tightly. As the man struggled to breath he lessen his body allowing Shadow Cat to take over and use his own hand and gun to shoot the rest of the men in the hall.

The man quickly faded but even then Shadow refused to let him go. Shadow Cat believed he had cleared the hall but that's when more Kyojin appeared. The men shot and shot targeting Shadow but only hitting their own friend all over the body. That's when Shadow Cat dropped his lifeless body on the ground and proceeded to take the fight to them. One by one Shadow Cat took them out until there was only one man left.

The man then shot Shadow and this time the bullet graced Shadow Cats upper thigh leaving a scratch. This only pissed off Shadow Cat even more. He wanted to find Marie and yet this asshole not only stood in his way but actually shot him. Before he knew it Shadow Cat had lost the little control he had.

His Hazel eyes once again turned all black, his hair became jet black and messier than before, his nails grew into claws and for the first time ever his muscles seemed to have grown larger as if his body had taken the transformation of a total different person.

Shadow Cat charged towards the man and as he got closer he jumped over him reaching over and leaving claw marks all over his face. Shadow the proceeded to kick the man's knee with all his strength and watched as his knee buckled and broke.

The man fall down screaming in pain but a no longer in control Shadow cat did not care as he once again stepped on the broken knee. He then got on top of the man and used his nails to claw the mans face and chest. Blood spilled like water until no more screams were heard.

The man laid dead and deformed on the ground but even then Shadow could not find it in himself to stop. Not until a gun shot was heard from behind and Shadow Cat felt a sting in his shoulder. Shadow then turned around to find Randy with a gun in his hand. Slowly Shadow Cat stood up and smiled. Finally he would get his revenge.