Shadow's revenge

Shadow Cat saw his opportunity to attack and took it. Rising his arm up he was give to elbow Randy on the side of his face proceeding to kicking in in the stomach applying distance between them. The kick was enough to send Randy back a few steps and crouch down in pain. Upon seeing Randy bend down and holding his stomach Shadow gave him a rising uppercut stunning Randy for another moment.

Taking this opening and using his environment to his advantage Shadow Cat did a front flip setting space between him and the wall. Using his speed Shadow Cat immediately followed it up with a backflip but this time flattening his body feet first.

Shadow opted to wrap his feet around Randy's neck and flipped him over with him sending him flying towards the wall. Shadow Cat knew he could end this fight right now if he wanted to but if he did then Randy would not suffer like Marie had so he decided to keep the fight for a little longer.

The maneuver caught Randy off-guard as he was still recovering from his wits. Shadow then used his momentum to continue on the attack. He ran towards Randy and jumped high connecting a superman punch the Randy's right eye dropping him flat on his back.

Although the hit was a powerful one and had brought Randy to a daze it did not knock him out completely. But in an attempt to gain some time to recompose himself Randy pretended it had.

Shadow Cat got closer to a fallen Randy but was surprised when Randy quickly swiped his legs catching Shadow's and making him fall down. Shadow hit the floor harshly, his wounded shoulder pounding on the floor and making the bleeding heavier but due to the adrenaline rush he felt nothing. Randy was not sure how this was humanly possible but he had to find a way to stop him.

Randy quickly rolled and jumped up to his fee ready to strike a fallen Shadow Cat but much to his surprise Shadow was already up and on his feet. Randy could not believe his eyes. Randy charged towards Shadow but missed greatly as he sidestepped as if Randy was a bull. Trying his best to bring his opponent down Randy began throwing hits but Shadow was able to dodge them with ease. Until Shadow Cat heard a familiar scream and was distracted allowing Randy to take advantage and kicking him in the gut.

Shadow Cat could no longer focus. He was sure that was Marie's scream. Not only was she close but she was being hurt. This made Shadow Cat loose even more control than before, the veins in his arms and neck raised as the only thing that now fueled him was rage. Not only will he end this quick but he will make sure to take Randy's head with him when he leaves.

Taking advantage of Shadows current situation Randy followed the kick with a powerful jab to the face. Randy seemed to put every ounce of his strength into the hit but was baffled when it seemed to have little to no effect on Shadow Cat.

Randy grunted in frustration as he noticed his hits never seemed to be enough to stop the already wounded black cat. That second was all it took for Shadow to make a comeback he quickly threw himself into a back sprint making his feet connect into Randy's chin. He then followed it with another and another but this time to earn space between them. Shadow then charged towards Randy utilizing the space to gain momentum.

Before Randy could see it coming Shadow Cat had jumped high landing behind him and curling his legs into his body and angling his body towards the ground, changing the direction of his fall, putting the weight of his jump into a strong throw.

Randy was pulled off his feet violently and was thrown across the floor. Pain spread in his entire body and he was sure some bones were cracked. He groaned in pain and gasped for air as he was sure his lungs were not functioning properly. Shadow Cat did not want to wait any longer to end this fight, he wanted to save Marie.

Wasting no time Shadow Cat scooted back and ran towards a fallen Randy jumping high and connecting his feet on Randy's left knee. Placing all the weight on Randy's knee after jumping, he heard a loud crack. Randy's knee broke as they hit the wooden floor with force, splinters punctured the inside of his leg.

Randy screamed in agonizing pain as his knees broke from the impact. He didn't know who this man was but he was a monster. Tears fell as his body began shaking. He grabbed ahold of his knee continuing to scream in pain but Shadow heard nothing. After hearing Marie's screams, he blacked out entirely, his body reacting on its own. Shadow no longer had any control whatsoever.

As Randy screamed in pain shadow kicked him in the face breaking his nose in the process. Shadow wanted to snap his neck and end this but that wasn't enough. No Randy needed to scream some more just like his princess had. Shadow Cat than sat on top of Randy and punched him over and over again until blood began to spill. He then decided to claw Randy's chest giving him hundredths of cuts like he had done to Marie. Randy screamed as his blood spilled all over the floor but Shadow Cat failed to stop. That was until he was pulled back.