The unexpected enemy

-Shadow Cat's POV-

I heard a gunshot behind me and closed my eyes preparing for impact but it never came. Instead I heard a loud painful scream. I immediately open my eyes as I recognized the scream. Marie! I didn't even bother looking towards Randy before turning around to see where Marie's scream had came from but instead what I saw made my body freeze. I blinked a few times thinking that maybe I was hallucinating but I wasn't he really is here, in front of me. The man I never thought I would see again. "Father?"

I couldn't believe my eyes. Here before me stood my father, but how? He was dead. I saw him die, I held him, we buried him. How is this possible and why is he here? I still hadn't looked towards the ground. I knew I had heard Marie but I didn't see her. I then turned to look towards Randy but was surprised to see that the bullet I heard had taken his life. My father had shot Randy right in the head but why? I felt a wave of confusion hit me and that's when I turned around again.

While I was turning I heard Marie call my name again. My eyes followed the sound of her voice and that is when I noticed her. Marie was laying on the ground as my father stood over her with a smirk. I felt a shiver down my spine, and goosebumps in my arms. The sight was horrific. Marie looked awfully beaten. I had seen her get cut and whipped but this went far beyond that. Her face was swollen and bloody I hardly recognized her. My heart broke into a million pieces as I saw her that way.

As I took in her appearance in shock I saw something that turned my blood cold. She was clutching onto her stomach in evident pain, he clothes were drenched in blood, and blood obviously dripped from her vagina. My heart stopped and tears filled my eyes. No! "Marie!" I yelled as I made a move to run towards her.

I moved to run towards Marie. I had to help her, she was loosing too much blood she would die soon, my child would die soon. I have to save them. I was able to run a step or two before I was stopped by something I never expected to happen. My father stood before me pointing his gun at my head.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I don't understand what the hell is going on. "Father, what is going on? Why are you pointing a gun at me? And how are you still alive?" I questioned him. All I really wanted to do was run towards Marie and help her but I knew I couldn't. My father was never one to hesitate to pull the trigger. He never cared who it was he was killing. I had to wait till the right time to get close to her.

"You imbecile! I never died, It was a trick, a test. A test to see if you had what it takes to lead. I had plans for you, I had your future all planned out. I left my empire for you, then I build a new one to see if you had it in you to take us out. I was making you a real leader. But you failed. Not even the monster inside of you kept your head in the game!"

I tried to make sense of what I was hearing but all I was left with was a million questions. A test? Failed? The monster inside me? What the fuck is he saying? I needed to ask, I needed to make sense of it all. "What are you talking about? I held you body, I buried you! What do you mean I failed? I made this gang more powerful than you were ever able to and I wasn't even fully leading. Tell me why are you here?" I asked beginning to get upset.

Why would my own father do this to me? I always believe your parents want the best for you, but then why is my father only worried about the gang? "Powerful? It is true you almost succeeded but then you failed! I spent years training you, I taught you all you know, I made you into who you are today! All for what, so you can throw it all away? So you let your weak side take over your life? You are weak just like your fucking worthless mother!"

"Don't you talk about my mother!" I yelled in anger. Out of all the things he chooses to dishonor my mother's memory. Hell no, that I can't allow. "Or what? You will unleash the beast? Don't make me laugh." He replied sarcastically. How does he even know about that? If I remember correctly the first time it happened was when he was supposedly killed.

"What? You think I didn't know about that? Oh, I know. I have seen it before, in fact I was the first one to see it. I spent months when you were a kid trying to control it. You killed 130 men in a time frame of two days when you were only five. I controlled you! I made you this way. Did you ever think about how you were able to do this?" I stood in silence not wanting to answer him.

"You inherited that from that lab rat bitch you called a mother!"