
Shadow Cat felt outraged. The man that stood in front of him was simply despicable. "Why her? She had nothing to do with this! Why do this to her and my kid? If you were so mad and disappointed in my why not just come straight for me, why take it out on them? Why bring then into this?" Shadow yelled loudly. His voice was heard all across the building alerting Michael who had came back for him and Marie.

"Because all this is her fault. Because I love you, you are my son, I raised you! I was the man you knew as your father. I wanted my son back, I wanted my best soldier right by my side. I tried to get your attention before you kidnapped her! To lead you back in the right path. It was me! I set you up that night in the hospital, I called the police and alerted them. I knew that you wouldn't leave a job undone so I told them.

I thought that with it being so many of them you would get caught then I could rescue you before you got to jail but you were better than I ever thought. You were able to escape but then you bumped into this worthless bitch!

That's when you made the worst mistake of your life, I watched you, I followed you, and I saw everything. You had a future until this bitch showed up! I should have killed her when you were a child!" Christopher (Shadow's Father) responded as he moved the gun to change targets and point it towards Marie.

Shadow Cat's breath hitched as the gun pointed towards Marie. He was 100% sure if he made a move his father would shoot Marie but at the same time he knew he had to attack soon. A distraction, a distraction was all he needed in order to make a move. Marie weakly pushed herself up and looked at the gun before turning to look at Shadow Cat. She felt sorry for Luke all this time he had been lied to, manipulated and hurt. Deep inside she knew she had to help him.

Marie knew that the man before her despised her with all his guts. She was the reason his so called son wanted to leave the life of crime. She had no doubt in her mind he would shot her. She knew she would not leave the room alive and if that was the case she had to say her last goodbye. Hazel met black eyes, Marie could see fear. For the first time since meeting her kitty Marie saw fear in his eyes. Trying to make him feel better Marie gave Shadow Cat a weak smile.

"I-I Love" she tried to speak but was interrupted by a loud "Shut up!" yelled by Chris. Marie closed her eyes and tried inhaling in deeply but the pain was too consuming. But she would die today she was sure of it so she didn't care about Chris's warning, she had to tell him before it was too late.

She had never told him the words before. She has said them before but not to him. She was scared to tell him before but it never meant she didn't feel it. She had slowly fallen for Shadow Cat. At first Shadow had her heart from the start as Luke and later earned it as Shadow Cat but at the end of the day her heart was always his. She had to say it now, she would not leave this world without telling him the three words she had kept quiet for so long.

Marie cursed all the times he had said the three words to her but she only responded with kisses. She should have told him then, she should have faced her fears and said the words to him. Maybe if she had things would have turned out different. But she was now too late. Even if she said it to him now he could not hold her and make love to her like before. She had waited too long. Maybe this is her punishment to live her last few minutes in regret.

She had to tell him before Chris shot her but will she be able to?