(The Finale)

"Good morning. Before I introduce myself, I would like to thank you all for being here today to celebrate the life of Marie Flores, Luke Smith, and their unborn child. Based on the number of you who took the time to gather here is a testament to how important both Marie and Luke were in many of your lives. I would also like to take this time to express my sincere condolences to the Flores Family members.

My name is Michael William Smith, I am Luke's older brother. Benjamin Franklin once wrote "Well done is better than well said" and this is true when it comes to both Marie and Luke. This quote reminds me of them every day I wake up without them. Luke was a man of few words, but his actions spoke volumes. Many will speak of the crimes he once committed but just like that, many will speak of the good he has done as well. Luke was born and raised in a life of crime; while many of you will say he made his decisions I am a witness to the truth. He knew nothing else.

Living a sheltered life only being taught what they wanted him to learn. He had been forced to follow the path of crime. But then one day he bumped into an amazing girl in school. Little by little he tried to do good just for her. While being forced to become an assassin at night during the day he acted on his true self becoming a role model for his fellow friends. Luke was never one to say how he felt but he acted on his feelings. One night after running to Marie once again but as Shadow Cat, his life changed. He fell crazily in love with her. For her, he changed his entire life.

He left the gang shortly after parting from Marie until he knew he was a completely changed man deserving of her. In a blink of an eye, he left everything he knew for Marie and their love. Luke loved Marie and he would have done whatever it took to make her happy. His actions spoke loudly, they spoke of love and sacrifice. He is the man I want to become someday. It's truly a blessing that I got the chance to call him my brother.

I didn't have the privilege to personally speak to Marie but I didn't have to. Her actions spoke loudly and we all listened. Whether you knew Marie as a friend, daughter, cousin, or just a simple classmate we all benefited from her wisdom and love. Marie was an extraordinary human being. She always saw the good in everyone as she did Shadow. She knew how to focus on the big picture as opposed to the pesky details of life. I am grateful that Marie bumped into my brother that night. For it was her love that changed him for the better. She was an amazing human being. Everyone who ever surrounded her could not help but love her. That was how amazing she was.

Marie did not only know love but she knew loyalty. For those of you who don't know the tragic story. Marie was kidnapped, raped, and brutally beaten to the point of coming close to death more than once. She was forced to undergo situations that no human being should ever be put through but even through it all, Marie remained loyal to my brother. She stuck by his side through the good and the bad and trusted him to the end. She never once betrayed him.

She loved him as I had never seen love before and for that, to her, I am eternally grateful. Both Luke and Marie wished to have a future in the United States where they could start over with no crime and no danger and live happily. To raise the child they were not able to ever hold and to be the parent they will one day be proud of. I can honestly say that they did not deserve to be taken so soon.

Lastly to both Marie and Luke, I know that you are both here today listening to my words, so I need to read this poem I saw to both of you. Be free, be strong, be proud of whom you have been, know that you will always be mourned and missed, that no one will ever be able to replace you, and that you have love and are beloved.

Move beyond form, flowing like the water, feeding on sunlight and moonlight, radiant as the stars in the sky. Pass the gates; enter the dark without fear, be the light to a new world, and when it is time I am sure we will meet again. I love you both and I hope that you are together right now holding your little one in your arms. I will miss you and I promise to make you proud little bro. Don't you worry Marie you have my word that I will look after your family always. Rest in peace Shadows rest in peace."


"Are you ok my love?"

"Always as long as I am with you"

"Together Forever?"

"Together Forever." 

-6 Months After-

"Good afternoon this is your captain speaking. Ladies and gentlemen, as we start our descent we ask that you please make sure your seats are back and tray tables are in their full upright position. Make sure your seatbelt is securely fastened and all carry-on luggage is stowed underneath the seat or in the overhead bins. That you for flying with American Airlines and enjoy your stay."

"Wow I never thought we would ever be here, but I wouldn't have it any other way." She said as she looked into his eyes with love. She held their baby in her hands tightly smiling widely at the thought of her dream coming true. "I always knew we would make it here, as long as we were together. I made you a promise and I always intended on keeping it." He leaned in and kissed her gently.

The couple kissed without a care in the world. Some watched with a smile at the sight of the young couple portraying their love without no fear. You could see some girls take a picture and post it on their social media with the #couple goals. They admired how the couple held each other with such love and how their outfit seemed to match perfectly with no intention of hiding that they were in this together. All they could ever dream of finding someday.

"Shall we?" He asked picking up their luggage. "We shall." She replied following him outside of the airport. As they reach outside they saw a man holding a sign with a picture of a black cat. The man smiled as he walked up to the unknown man holding the sign. "You must be Eric," he replied extending his hand to greet the man with a handshake. "Yes sir. My name is Eric and I will be the one escorting you to the location of your home. A pleasure to meet you Mr. and Mrs?" The man stopped questioning them politely.

"Shadow!  Mr. and Mrs. Shadow."