Talking About The Business.

" So what is the plan of halloween.. " Michelle said after that. Changing this environment. that's the good think that he did that..

" Ohh yeahh I have big surprise for you guys.." kayden said with big smile.

" That what dad said. But what it is still a suprise. " My sister said. And kayden glare at my dad. Which my dad avoiding to look at him. and I like this things that they are older but still act like kids.. It will be more intersting if I can hear there teen dramas..

" So I am throwing the ball to our big success of this business. And lots of businessman and press will be there. So I want you guys to join us. Like a good kids. it's is very important Ball for me.. And than meet everyone. And like lena decided to join Kevin's business so you have to be there and no more excuses. " He said to us. and last one is he said looking at me more like glaring at me that there is no way in hell to back out in this Ball.. which I also know that. and I nodded with my head and drink glass of water.

" You know guys that I don't like party's" i said to them irritatingly. finally I said avoiding there eye contact..

" You are handled Kevin's business you didn't tell me that.. " Noah said to me. and I look at him and told him that I will tell everything later In detail..

" It's just suddenly happened. I do want to tell this. But I want to ask first to my sister that she mind it or not. And she don't. So yeah I am doing it.. and I am sorry that I didn't tell you this.. please forgive me " i tell him. I know he is my best friend and I did hide this to him.. but I want to ask Ariana first than tell this everyone.

" And I am sorry that I didn't tell you this.. please forgive me " I apologise to him that didn't tell him after talkin' with Ari.. I totally forgot to tell him about it..

" You don't have to apologize for this Lena.. it's Just what about your dream you want to be a doctor don't you.. suddenly you change all your decision it's quite surprising " he ask me. and I know it is but still..

" Yes I want to.. but if I do complete my dream's what about Ari. And she do have her dreams and i don't mind to join business. I don't want to leave mom and dad. They are more important that my dream.. so I chose this" i tell him. And he nodded. I think there is nothing more to explan hime about it. and I know he will understand later.

" So that's whst your date with Michelle.." he ask me again and we both look at Michelle who's bussy talking with my dad. And I nodded my head and give him smile. now he get my point. now I know that Noah is understanding person and that's I like more about him..

" Hmmm than welcome to business miss Elena.. it's going to be pleasure to having you has my partner in this family business.. " he said and smrike at me. And I Rolle my eyes. like really..

" We have to go for shopping.. " all ladies said in same time. And than they all are happy to talk about party for them it's party to have there girls time. and than there eyes landed on me. I am not shopping person.

" Seems like this one is going to be little hard. " Medelline said. And all laugh..

" If you ladies don't mind. Actually I want to pick dresses for my Angels.. " dad said suddenly. And he is a my life saver. I hug him and kiss he's checks. he know me well.. and I don't have to tell him he just know that right now I do need him that..

it is surprising news that I don't like shopping right.. well I do love to go shop.. but it's not that go every shop and pick lots of clothes and than buy only two or three piece of clothing.. I like to shop fast. and our family ledies like to shop a lot. and they know me that after hours and half I get bored and tired of this.. and sometimes I do Spoil there mood..

" Really Kevin.." mom said. Glare at him. and I giggled.. I know mom don't like it. and she know why dad said it. poor dad he have to always end up this situation like that. sometimes I do feel sorry for him.

" Ohh you know sweetheart I do have good taste. You can trust on me. " My dad define to change the topic. and I just don't kbow how to appreciate to his acting skill..

" Okky only dress you are picking after that other things are we ladies will be do.. " lucy said. And he agree. Lucy is more intelligent and smart woman. and she also understanding too.. so I like her more. and she did wink at me for Savin from other's.. and I blow her kisses to her.. and she just laugh at me..

" Ohhkyy guys you are also helping for me. When you are going to be date of my daughter's.. " my dad announced. Okky that make me stop for second. When its comes for. I mean why we need date.. can't we come with them. or individual..

" No way in hell. Why we have to pick date.." i ask them. I don't mind in go with Noah seriously but what he don't want to come with me.

" Kayden if you mind I invite my friends too.." i ask him. hope this is going to be work..

" I don't mind you can invite them. But make sure they behave. Like I told you guys there will be businessman will be come so I don't want any kind of bad things or embarrassment. " He said. and I nodded with my head.

" I will assure you that nothing going to be happen just trust on me.." i tell him giving him smile and assure him about this..

" Are you inviting Ness and Noel.. " Ari ask me and I nodded.

" You don't have to be my date Ana I will come with Ness.." Nick siad. And I see how my sister's sad and broken face. But she get our with it.

" So whom you are going to come with ." Noah ask me. I look at him.

" of course you.. I don't have another option do I.. " i tease him. And he smrik at me and nodded.

" So i have to pick best dress for my date. And suited tie." He said and I nodded. And kiss he's check. and he give me he's best Noah smile.. which I looking at him and fall for it.. kidding.. haha.. but he do smile beutiful..

After that dinner go well. And than mom and Ari come out with desserts. yummmmm... we love desserts.. I mean who don't..

" I love desserts " Michelle announced and I also agree with him. and giggle.

" It's look so yummmyyy.." me and Noah said in same time and laugh..

We get our sweets. And than started to eat and moan..

" Damn it lena don't make that type of noises." Noah sanp at me. And I punch he's arm.

" Ohh shut it.. don't tell me that you remember one of your night stand.. " i joke at him.

" Ohh no I am thinking that I will do with you well job and you will forgive this dessert" he flrit. and I know he is joking but I do blush hearing this.. and I do punch him this time hard.

" Ewwww Noah stop talking shit.. you are disgusting.. I don't need yours STDs.. " i tell him. and try hide my bush..

" Guy's stop talking and keep eating.. " my mom said. And we obaye her.

" Did I forget to tell you that you look beautiful today.. " he said. He never stop would he.. now why the hell he keep going on..

" Shup it Noah.. " i tell him. And he laughed.

" I like it when you blush lena.." he said. and that make me more blush.. dm it Noah..

" So how's you Nick you are not talking much something happnd.. " my dad said and i choke.. and Noah help me to get drink of water.. and I look at my dad and than i look at him. and waiting for his reply..

" Ummm nothing. It's just I am here for dinner and that's what I am doing eat my food and leave this house. " He said to my dad. woww... this boy..

" Yes you are here for dinner but that doesn't mean that you can't talk or something my child. " My mom said. And join this conversation.

" Really. But my opinion or the way I talk someone's don't like it. And I don't want to get abuse do I.. " he said. And than everyone's eyes on him. He's looking at m. and everyone's eyes landed on me. like seriously.. now he complete about me to them. what it he now five..

" You abuse him.." Michelle said. Controlling he's laughter. And looking at he's face and smile come to my face. And than we both ended up laughing.

" Nice joke my son. But everyone know that no one ever abuse you. Yeahh you can abuse everyone but no one do to you. but yeahh good one. " he said. And he's eyes wilden hearing this. And than look at me and I wink at him.

" Lena.." my mom glare at me. and I look at her innocently like I didn't do anything about it..

" Mom I didn't do anything. Like Michelle said. Didn't you hear. And you think that I can do anything to him. Like look at him. And look at me. He's double bigger than me. There is no one way I will ever abuse him.. " i said and laugh.

" Shup up. Just change the topic.." he yelled. And we did what he want us to do.

I get up and grab all empty dishes and walk to the kitchen.  Started to be a little bit help to clean this up.. taking all dishes in besan. And I about to turn to grab more.

Someone bigger than me come and push me hard to the counter. And let me tell you it's hurts like bitch. I literally yelled but my mouth is shup. He's hand on my mouth so no one can hear this things.

" I swear to god if if you yelled ." He said to me dangerously. And  my whole body shiver. But I do want to push him. I other hand humming to him and try to make some space between us. But he didn't this time he is too stronger than me. I can't even move any of my body part.. ughh...

" You think that I am sacred of that pulling that little stunt. And I will do nothing after that. Than you are wrong. You might me laughing stock of me but not anymore. The way you embarrass me in front of everyone. Just wait than what will I do to you. And you will regret this that why you mess with me. Mark my words." He said and leave before I come to my state and said somthing to him.

My heart is breathing in five times loudly. And fast. Did he just threatened me again . How dare is to do that. He think that I am sacred of him. Or somthing. I will show that bastard that he is going to be regret that two. I am up for to give my revenge.

I never thought that me and Nick I mean we both ever talk or its not talk it's just littlery threatened than we both are give each other warning. And this is not good. And it's make me to started to hate him more. He is not like this. He's not like that before. He never do to me. my Nick is not like this. But he already did lots and he will do it again. And he had no shame for that.

" You okkyy sweetie.." ladies are come in and ask me. And I broke my thoughts and look at them and I change my face wory to happy. And give smile nodding my head.

" Yeah I am fine.." i tell them. And than I leave the kitchen immediately.

I am done with dinner. I didn't look at or talk with anyone. And walk to my bedroom. And when I reach my bedroom. I got shock what i look.

My whole room is mess up. He throw everything in floor. And smash it. My family photos my photo's with my friends. The gifted that my friends give it to me.

All my posters. He crush it. Even my clothes and my broken mirror. Thousands of pieces. Did he just did that to piss me off. How dare he come to my house and ruined my room like my bedroom. How dare he..

" Seems like you got your suprise princess. I hope you look it. Good night have horror dream's..," he suddenly come to my door. And said to me and again leave me alone. I fucking kill this boy.

I clean the whole mess. Even cleaning all this. I cut my hand. And that hurt really real bad. Thank god I do have first aid kit. So I clean my wound and than bandage it. It's to hard to do that. But I did it anyway.

I can't tell this to anyone. I know no one believe this. And I am not going to see that too. I didn't have any clothes to wear for Monday.

Thank god that tomorrow is sunday I will alway buy some of clothes,  frames for my family photo's and most important mirror.

I never do make-up. But for my backup. I alway take this. But he did ruined that too.

After that remember that my and he's photo that I hide it in my frame I quickly check it's there or not. But it is there. Thank god he didn't see that. I quickly hug to that photo. this is only memory I have with him.. and this is special for me.. no matter how he can't like this after that.

I do miss that Nick who is nice to me. And use to be my best friend. He never like this. Cold hearted. That Nick do have good heart. He never think that to hurt anyone nor me. But this Nick never forget to give mark on people. That remember life time.

After cleaning all this. And than throw in dust all the pieces. I sleep in bed. I go do downstairs to say everyone to goodbye. But they all already left.

I again come back it my room. And sleep. This night I feel like I am sleeping some horror house. This is not look like my bedroom at all. I always keep my bedroom like this is my mini world. It feels me to look like home sweet home. and I am comfortable with it..

I don't know when I sleep and how much I sleep. But when I wake up. I quickly go to Ari's room. And grab some closths that not show my skin. Without knowing her.

Dad already give us black card. So whenever we needed anything. We already brought.

I do want to call Mia or JHolly for shopping but I do they will ask me lots of questions so it's better be to shopp alone.

Like hungry teen. Like I never saw clothes like this. I grab all clothes. I did try once. And I get this time some of dresses that I can where for like family dinner. Or something. I do have some but Nick already ruin it. So I have to get some.

Lots of bags. Lots of cloths. But i still not get enough to me even the manager looking at me that. I am some of the rich bitch shopping like I never shop in my life. But do i care. No. I don't fucking care.

After that getting clothes. I do make list that what I have to buy to the mall.

After that did get some of makeup kits and all this releted things. After that i get mirrors and frames.

Thank god that he didn't do with my shoes. Or I have to buy that too. Even my dad call me and ask me that it's me whom shopping or just I lost card.

He also surprise that I am shopping today with no one else. Anyone but me myself and I.

When I come back home I get out all the bags. And dad help me to take my room. Which rejected to do that. I dont want him to see my room. He will get Angry on me. And I can't hide things to him. Do ii now. He did suspect but i tell him that I want to change some things of my room.

And I am happy that it is working. I don't like to lie but today I did lie because of him. I will not going to forgive him. He started it now it's time to face the consequences. And be ready Nick. Maybe you did need to watch out your back. That what is coming to you in Monday. And no one going to be save by me. No one mean no one..

Mark my words...