He Did Hurt me..

After coming days.  I am bussy with girls for there shopping. And spend time with them.

No one know whar is happening to Nickolas. He didn't do anything to me still. That I am happy for that. But I know he is planning something big. And I don't know what it is..

After that incident days after I again prank on him. Weeks in on day we do have PT. That we always do work out and play games.

So I apply some of itching powder to he's cloths. The whole time he is rubbing he's whole body. And that is look cute. I do laugh at him. It's not me all are laughing at him. And he did irritate by that.

I mean he is bad boy of this school. And every fucking one are sacred of him. And someone is pranking on him. And the way i am using all this idea. Yeah he's face look like that. Embarrass he is embarrassed front of everyone. And I did that to him. But I do know that he will do like this to me. Who knows.

After that day I thought it's enough to do that. So I leave him and bussy with girls.

Today when I am own my why to next class. I see that Nick are push someone in locker to hard. And started to kissing the hell out of her. She did try to push away or something. But he didn't let her go.

He grab her both legs. And that hug to how's hip. And she top of him. And than I see it's none other than my sister. What she is doing with him.

Last I check that Ness and Nick are together or somthing. That how the hell that happened. Should I stop them or somthing.

My sister moan loudly. If anyone know this. They both are in getting trouble. Before I go and stop them. I look at other side Ness looking at them shock just like me. Our eyes meet. And than we both know what to do. We walk to them.

" Whwt the hell is going on.." Ness yelled. And than one by one everyone's attention on them.

" What it's look like. This is going on.." my sister snap her. And other head Nick don't care. He never intereste in girls drama..

" Nick what it is.. I thought you like me the way I like you.. are you playing with me. Talk to me.. " her voice crack. I don't know what to said. Should I go to her. But that my sister are feel bad that I didn't stand by her.

" What it is Ari. We know that whole school know that they both are together.." i try to said than my sister snap at me.

" Shup up lena before you complete that sentence. Everyone know that he is Mine don't she get message. I did give time because I see that Nick is interested in hwe because her mellow drama after she literally got.. you know. So I leave them but now enough is enough. He is mine and he always me.. Nick said this to her and clear this out.., " she said to me and last one said to Nick. And need look at Ness and than my sister. And than he's eyes meet my. And the he smrik and I know what he going to do.

" Ariana.." he said before I cut him off.

" Stop.." i shouted.

" i get it he's yours. Every fucking one know now. Now lets go before principal come and see us.. don't make more drama.. " i pull her with me and and try to walk away from them. And I turn to look at him and he smrik and than pull Ness to him and hug her. What the fuck this asshole's mind going on.. I know he is up to somthing what that I still don't get it..

" What the hell lena. Why did you come between us.. you stay out of all this understand.." Ari pull away from me. And said angrily.

" Shup up you are making sence. I just save your back.." i tell her. try to avoid things so that not going to happen which Nick want to happen it.. how can I explained it all my sister.

" I don't need your bloody help. I can do it by myself.." she said and started to walk there where Nick and Ness is.

I started to stop her. She didn't stop. But than she see what she don't have to. Even my eyes also gone wild. He is that shameless.

He is doing same what he doing it ten minutes ago with my sister.. and that make me Angry. How dare he is to do that to her and my sister.. and Ness what the fuck she still with him.. after seeing all this..

Ari walk there and pull both of them away and slap to Ness. When I walk to grab Nick coller and slap him hard.

" How dare you to do that to my sister..," i yelled at him.

" You bitch didn't I said that he is Mine.. " other side my sister tell to Ness.

" How dare you to touch me.." he said to me and push me the locker hard. And that make me hurt. My hand fully force and touch with the locker that wound that I did still bandaging it's again open the wound.

" Fuck you Nick.." i said push him away for me. And I look at my hand. Damn it. I have to go to nurse now..

" What the hell Nick.. you are keep crossing your limits.." I tell him.

" I am crossing my limit. When you fucking dumb sister think that i am hers. And you telling me that I am crossing my limits. Did I agree with her no .. than how dare she say like that... " He said and than Ari stop whatever she is talking to Ness. Hearing this she look hurt. And I know he did on purposely.

" You think I care. Like you said me when you drug me to your room. I am change. And I am not that who I am before. And I don't care about people's feelings. Yes I don't care. And I don't give damn that what your sister think. I don't like her. I never like her. Arian I never like you. You always come to me and I do want someone so I did play with you spend time with you nothing more.. there is nothing more that I feel about you okky.. " he said did he really said that. Tears coming to my eyes. He hurt my sister. My sister who's everything to me and I can't do anything to her. She stood there in shock. And I known he already broke her. I loop at him. Wipe my trears and grab he's coller.

" You no Nickolas. You think that you are win hurting my sister and hurting me. Than be it.. but listen very carefully.. if you come near her again I swaer to god i will kill you in my own hands. After that I don't care what happen to me but I will do it. And you know pass few days. You know it very well. I know it is little pranks. But I do will do that something that you will regret your whole life.. now get out front of my face before i do somthing. Never show me your fucking face. I just hate you so much.. " i shouted at him. And tears come out or my eyes. He did cross he's limits. I push him hard to go back of. And run to my sister.

" Ariana are you okky.." i said to her and hug her. But she didn't hug me back. Now I am scared. I can't lose her. I don't want to..

" Ariana look at me.." i broke the her and tell her. Holding her touching her chin with my other hand and said to me she didn't even look at me.

I pull her to the parking lot. She stil didn't react and that make my heart broke more in pieces.

I drive the car. Seating her in pessanger seat. And than I hold her hand than I don't want to lose her. The is best sister I know.

When I park my car to my home. I quickly go to pessanger seat. And help her to get out. And than we both reach living room. She is seating there. And didn't talk.

I grab glass of over. And try to touch her mouth so she can drink but she didn't.

" You are sacred to hell out of me Ari please talk to me.. " i said to her.

" Listen Ari forget about him he don't deserve your importance. Everyone hates him. Why the hell you alway posessive about him. There is nothing special about him that you are so damn into him.. " i yelled at her.

" You know there is plenty of boys that who's is want to date you. You are beautiful you are strong damn it. He is just a guy.. " before I complete she siad.

" The guy who are fall for him long time go. And I can't get out from my head. " She said. and this really broke me down looking at my sister in this situation..

" Ariana.. " I pull her and hug her tightly. After that she take deep Breath and than started to sobbing and crying.

" Where is I go wrong. I go to he's home every weekend. To connect with him know him more. And bonding with him and he's parents. Because I know our parents stupid deal. But I do want to be perfect to him. But what he said it's hurts me.. it's hurts me alot.. " she said and i rub her back.

" He said that I am dumb. Why can't he see that he make me crazy. Can't he see that.. or he don't want to see it.. I never in my whole life think that he will ever said those words to me for what.. for that bitch Ness.. I wil never ever going to forgive both of them. " She siad to me..

" Ariana.. you don't have to.. i am with you. Just leave rhmem they don't deserve it. Just forgot what happened.. " i tell her.

" Forget that. Seriously. You think it's easy to forget thing's.  You don't know how it's feels when you love someone and he not loves you and give he's all attention to other people. I fucking hate myself. Am I that bad that he don't like me. And he just use me to being he's time pass. What I am a toy to him. Huhh.. " she siad.

" Ariana. Now we know that. We know that he is not that we thought. He is change. He is not that our Nick that we know when he is five. Now that we are seeing it it's another boy. Who I don't even want to look at him. Looking at him. Make me to hate him more. And what he did today is seriously I never ever look he's face or talk to him. He is nothing to me. And i want you to think same and forget him. And show him that you don't want him. He will come and apologize to you and I know he will. And he will apologize. Just you have to wait and watch. " I tell her.

" You are right.. now he  see new ariana who's not interested in him. Or not give damn about him. He can go to hell. I don't care now. Now he is nothing to me. I will stay far way from him. And I want you too do that same.. " she said. And I nodded with my head.

" Trust me I am last person who want to spend a time with him. I don't care what people think I don't give damn. And you also don't have to think about it. I know they will talk about this tomorrow. But we don't have to get that serious. And react on this. Okky.. and i always be with you Ari no matter what.. i will never leave you alone. You are my sister my twins. And I will do anything to you.. you don't deserve this. You deserve more. and better " I tell her. And kiss her forehead. She smile and hug me tightly.

" I don't know but Lena.. you make me little bit clam down. And thanks I needed this. I really needed this. He's word did hurt me. But now enough is enough. Now boys are come to me. I am not going to follow them. And tomorrow they will got that message to. And Nickolas can go to hell. " She sand and we both broke the hug and laugh.

" Yeahh dont be that girl who need man. Be the girl who man need.. " i tell her. And she agree with me.

We both after go to our rooms and freshnup. And than we watch movies together. And we did stay together. Sleep together. Today she did want me to by her side. She never told me that. But I know she did need me. We both spend time with each other's. And than make food together and eat together. She did teach me how to do little and little.

She did clean my wound when she saw it. She didn't ask me how the hell happened I am glad about it.

After that we sleeping together. Next day we both come school together like we already do. We both act normal like nothing happened. And if anyone can dare to say somthing. I fucking kill them. and if I said this.. than I am serious about it...

I am who people think that good girl. But when its about my sister I never see that what is coming over.

My friend's come and hug us tightly. I think they did know what happened yesterday.

I swtich off my phone to ignore everyone.  I want to besides my sister. She need me. More. So I don't know what the hell is whole school now.

" Whatever happens it's happens we are not going to leave you alone. You are just like Elle. And we do loves you. And always be with you no matter what . " Nete said to her. Bad she hug him tightly. I did see that Mia little bit jealous but ignore it. It's not the time to see all of this.

Whole day we are with Ari. And in lunch we all ditch them and do our lunch in cafe.

That is best idea to avoid people. And all this.

The rumour said that Nick siad shit things to  Ari I mean my sister. And than I did insult him and slap him. Same gose to Ness.. me and sister are abuse them. Like Nick did to my sister.

When I said I don't want to see he's face. I never look at he's side. Where is he what he doing and all shit.

Ness did come to me and apologize for yesterday. But I didn't say anything to her. I don't know what to said. Forgive her or not. I told her that one think it's that ' Ari is my sister and I can do everything for her. And if someone hurts her. I can see that hurt. So you will understand what I am trying to say. ' and she did understand and than leave me alone.

When we come to school. We again do our things. And talk about Halloween what coming next week. And i want to see that what our dad get us. And what are mom are planing for us..