I Will Never Forgive You..

After my speech they do are surprised to hearing it. But I see they are happy to hear what I said. And apologize to my behavior.

When Ari want to say somthing. We all got attention to her.

" Like my sister said. We have to forget that passed and accept the truth and go forward it. And start over it. That's what I also want to do that. And I do apologise to my passed behaviour. We are family. And we have to stick with each other's. And thanks for inviting for this food. It's delicious Lucy. " Ari said. And wink at Lucy.

" Now I see that my daughters are growing up so fast. " My mom said and tears coming out to her eyes. and Lucy give her tissue to wipe it away..

" Mom you are spoilng your make-up..," Ari tease her. And than all laughed at both of them.

" Ariana my child how's you doing.. " kayden ask him.

" Better than ever.. " she said to him.

" That's what I want to hear. " He said and wink at her.

" I heard that you learning cooking is that true" Medelline said.  And i look at her. And nodded with my head.

" But still nothing I got it. All are going to blank. When food is ready I forgot about everything. And I attack food. When Ari ask me how we make it. And the recipe boom gone.. " i tell her. And they laugh.

" Don't worry Medelline she is my baby sister. She not interested in cooking that's why it's took her time but when she get serious about it. And than you see. She will surprise us.. " Ari said. and that's the truth..

" Ness right.. " my mom ask her. And we look at her. She nervously look at her and nodded.

" What is your goal. " Mom ask her.

" I want to be lawyer. And give bad peoples punishment." She said to her. Even I do impressed by that. Our eyes meet and I smile at her. And she did same.

"Ohh that is impressive. I will be the first one come to you for that. Because there is lots of people that didn't pay me back. And runway.. " my dad said. And shee giggle and nodded.

" Yeahh I can help you with that. Finding them and give them punishment. " She said to him.

" Yes yes.. " my dad said.

" And what about you.." kayden ask Noel.

"It's Noel. And I didn't think about it. But I am interested in football.. so let's see. How's it's goes.." Noel said to me.

" And you guys. I didn't know your names.." Medelline ask Lucas and Marcus.

" It's Lucas and this is Marcus. And we still didn't plan it. But end of this senior year we will first sure.." Lucas said.

" Good to hear that..." Michelle said looking at them and smriking.

" What is the plan than your Christmas this time.." and like this we all are is blank to don't know what to said.

" I don't believe that you guys are completing your junior year that fast.." Michelle said.

" Trust same goes to us..," Ari said.

" So about Christmas.." again we are silent.

" How about we go for trip. You guys also invite your friends. And go for vacation. We do got time to spend with each other. Our bonding going to be strong. " Kayden always have ideas. He is party time of old man. If it's about celebration he know how to do that thing.

" We can always go to our farm house. You know.. " Michelle said. The farmhouse that we have lots of memories there.

" I think it's good idea. I also want to spend times with my daughter's and my friend's..  and you too Ness" my mom said.

" What you said kids.." my dad ask us.. and we all are look at each other.

" It's still time so give us time. We also have to ask our friends. If they are joining us.. " Noah said.

" What about you Lena, Ana, Nickolas what you think.." my dad ask us.

" I don't mind family come First. And I known if I am going my friend's also going.." Nick said to my dad.

" What about you girls.." kayden ask.

" I don't know.. " ari said. And than kayden look at me and smrik.

" There is lots of memories are there we spend. Who can ever say no to not to go there.." I said to him. But it's confused.

" Forgetting passed making new memory it's good idea I guess.." and that will make me snap my thoughts and look at him. Did he.. did he really said that.

" That is best memories I had in my life. " Ari said. And I did agree with her. But Nick show it that how much he hate us.

" You kids have to talk to each other and stop fighting.. that is the solution if we want to go to the trip.. you guys have to short it out whatever going on in between you guys.." Lucy said to us.

" She's right you guys have to talk and clear things out whatever is that.." Michelle said. And I don't know it's great idea or not.

" There is nothing to talk..," Nick and Ari both said in same time when we are still thinking what they said. Should we. Is that best.

"I think we have to leave them. So they can talk about it." My mom suggest. And they all are get up. And leave us. Didn't wait us for said somthing to stop them.

" So..." Ness said.

" So what..." Noah said.

" I don't know why we even fighting.." she said to us.

" You forget that what you did. Or should I remember that. " Ari snap at her.

" I do remember. And I am sorry for that ." She said to Ari. than Ari got clam hearing her apologize..

" I am sorry too Ana. I did mistake. I don't have to said that. I don't know what come over me i said that. But how can i forget you that spending time with my whole life it is best memory. You are with me when I needed you. And I never used you. It's just I was Angry and I said those things. When you are the one that understands me more than anyone.." he said. I know what he mean. But I am not going to give him Chance to argue with me.

" You hurt me Nick.. of you don't feel that you did have told me personally but you make joke to fornt of whole school.." Ari said to him.

" And I am truly apologize for that. Don't you see someone's did this to me too. So don't think to much. And I am wheeling to do that to make it up to you.. please forgive me.." Nick said I never thought that he will do somthing like that. But I know it's all fake. I can see it in he's face.

" Okkyy. And I am sorry Ness what I did to you. And I will never do that ever again.." ari said to Ness.

Ness stood up and walk to where Ari is seating and hug her.

" Apology accepted. " She said. And they both are back to where they before.

" Elena.." Ness come and hug me. And I hug her back there is nothing to hide I already apologize what I done to her.

" I know that you did it all because of your sister. And I am not Angry with you. Not even my brother. When he said what you tell him.." she said to me and I smile at her. And than my eyes meet Noel. And he already looking at me.

" Friend's.." Ness said to Noah. And they both have shake there hands.

" Now about Noah Nick and Elle. You guys talk about it whatever that misunderstanding between you guys. Let's clear things out and than move on with it.." Ness said.

" There is nothing to talk about.." Noah said. And I am agree with him.

" I think that it's clear. So let's forget our passed and start over. " Ari said. And they all agree with that.

" I think that my plan is work. right guys.." Lucy come and everyone is come again and join us.

I excuse myself an than leave them to there and walk to the washroom.

I look at myself in mirror. Did I look happy. Why I am not happy. Everything is now just fine didn't it. Now why I have to feel sad or somthing. Why I feel like cry.

I don't have too. One day it will happen. So why not now. I do have to accept this. And that's why I am here right. Move on with passed and get it our with.. now than why I just can't feel like shit.

The wound is still there. I know I still remember that what he done to me. How he hurt me. I never be the same look at him. I never like him. He only give me one this it's pain. Nothing else. And I don't want to feel it.

I just don't want to.. smash water to my face. And clean my face. And wash is clearly. And than grab tissues and clean my face. I still like the same I am before. I try to smile but nothing come out. I get out to the restroom. And than I meet fimiler person that I don't want to see it not right now I guess.

We both are standing there. Silently didn't saying anything or somthing. I am not even ready to for this.

" So.. I was thinking that.. whatever happens.." he maybe want to forget all this but I never forget that and I never forgive him.

" I never forget that. How you bully me mentaly torture me. I can't forget that. And I will never forgive you.. you think that I never see you and give you my everything to you. Than look at your own self. What you give me. Maybe that did I made mistake onces. But you did lots of that nothing to compare mine.. and I never thought that my best friend. Who's I am thinking that he's never hurt me or never make me cry. But he broke that trust even he did broke me. And i don't have that courage to feel that pain again. Maybe everyone is moved on with that. But I will never. You are never be part of my life evry again. Just stay away from me.." I tell him. And I see he's eyes. I know that I did touch he's weak points. And I know that he do know what he did and how this all the time we hate each other. And I never forgive him for that. I did agree that i did pull stupid prank on him but I never do what he do to me. He did see in my eyes haters. He after that hide whatever it is on he's going to say. And I see the cold piece of shit is back

" That's what I want to hear from you. Because the feeling is same. You are not think to me like you where.. and you will be. Just because of all are again be friend's or somthing. I still want you to don't get in our business. And never cross me. And you know that what will happen. I will prefer you to just ignore me the way I want to ignore you like you are not even her. Even I always thought that Kevin and Julie have only one daughter who's i know her and it's Ariana. Not you. I never consider to our family. And i Never will be. " he said to me and hearing this it's it's really hurting.. I never thought that he hurt me that much.. I mean I didn't even do anything to him but he still punishing me which I didn't do ever.. how can he do that to me..

"By the way nice fake speech about whatever you said in there. I know you you never will be change. You are just like that type of girls who just show that they are good and whatever is that. But I know it. And do want to everyone know that too who you really are.." He said and than leave me alone. And that did hurt me hard.

He think that I am not even in this family. That much he hurt me. Yeahh I never thought that. But that one is hurt me like bitch. But I will never show this. I will never show him what he want to see on me. If he think that and he can get what he wanted. Because I am doing same what he wants to do. I don't care after that he needs me. Or not me because I do know one day he will come to me and apologies to me.

And that time. I will the same what he said to me. You just wait and watch..

" Ell.." Noel come to me and we both stood in corridor. I look at him. Smile sadly.

" I am sorry Noel.." i want to apologise again but he cut me off.

" I know. Didn't Ness tell you that. I get it you are doing it for your family. If I was in your state maybe I will do that same that you did. But what can I said. I never want this type of life.. I never want to runaway like cowards I do want to face them. And kill them. But I can't. I am not that strong that they are. They are so powerful. And I am nothing to front of them. I am so hopeless that I can't save my sister to them. I never feel this weak before.." he said. And that my heart hurt. And I hug him. He did hug me back.

" It's oky Noel but still I am so proud of you. That you never leave your sister. And you did take good care of her. And I know you will always. I mean family come first no matter what. And you prove it that lots of time. And she is very lucky to have you like your twin that understanding and alway be her side. Support her. So don't think that you are weak. You are strong. And I know you will give them punishment one day." I tell him.

" I hope so.. and Ell.. I know that you also are too strong. I see that day. And I do see why you dad and he's friends are chooes you. You are perfect for this.." he said. I didn't know what he mean. I do want to ask him. But than Ari come and called us. For eat deserts. And we both are join everyone again.

" Now that all is settle. I think i have to done this plan than to our vacation on our old farmhouse." Michelle said. And all are agree on this.

remembering I still have to talk to with this my friends to..