
When girls and me call night.. I walk to my house.. they drop me front of my house.. telling them by and good night's.. I stright walk to my bedroom..

I need shower.. and that is cold one.. I wanted it.. that mak me more refresh...

But when I reached my bedroom.. Ari already waiting for me.. and I know she is not in good mood to talk to me.. when I come in.. I close the door and than drop my backpack in bed.. and walk where she is seating..

" Hyy big sisi.." I said in low voice..

" Don't... Don't ever call me that.. you don't have any right anymore to call me your sister.." she yelled at me.. I know she is angry at me.. and she have be.. if I was in her State maybe I also do the same..

" Don't say like this.." i said to her..

" Ohh yaah.. what you want me to do.. give you an award that you did good.. and seriously lena.. why you did this.. " she said and stood up front of me and ask me.. I know this will be come.. everyone want answers why I did it..

" What I did.." I ask her..

" Don't play dumb.. I never thought that you also do somthing like this.. you fool me.. why I don't know.. why you hide things for me.." she said to me..

" I never hide things from you.. I never fool you Ari.." i tell her on clam voice I don't want to fight with her..

" Ohh than why you hide this that you still love Noah.. when you already into him.. why you make me to do the same.. why.." Ari shouted me.. and i do get scared hearing this..

" Do you love him lena.." she ask her again.. there is no point to change my statement now I don't this mess I have to face this..

" I love him.. and always love him Ari..." I told her.. and she slap me hard.. and yes I deserve this..

" You fucking bitch.. I don't even think that you are my sister.. Nick is always right about you.. whenever I said that you are not like this.. but guess what you make me show that who you real are.. " she aid.. tears come down to my cheecks.. I didn't said to her anything.. I just stood there and hear what she want to said bad or good words I am ready to accept it.. I don't mind she is my sister and she have every right to do anything to me..

" Ohh fake tears.. you still know how to act front of me.. drama queen.." she said to me angrily..

" So now one.. stay away from me.. and my Nick.. my friend's and my family.. you don't deserve anything.. you will hurt them.. the way you hurt me and Nick.. you don't need you in our family.. understand this.. we don't want you... I don't want you see you face.. understand.. " she said and walk away..

" And yeahh better find for you to your new ride.. or call your bastrd if boyfriend to tell you pick you up tomorrow.. " she said and slam the door loudly and leave me.. I fall in my knees and cry more.. I deserve this.. don't I..

My own sister hate me.. she want me to go away.. she said she don't need me she don't want me..  I am that bad.. damn it.. I did get in big mess.. I don't know how to short this out.. or just stay like this the way it is.. there is no point to back off.. that happen is happend now I can't do anything for this..

I stood up and get in take shower.. and just stood there close my eyes.. thinking about what I happen.. and try to forget it..

I do have to face it everything everyday.. evrytime.. better be make myself strong.. if I will weak front of everyone than I never will be know that how to face the word.. I have to show them that I don't care what they think of me.. if they hate me.. than hate me.. my friends are enough for me . Or I don't need anyone it's created by me.. I have survived this alone.. and I will do..

After cold shower and jump on bed.. set alarm.. texted Mia to pick me up tomorrow.. and than close my eyes.. and sleep.. long day.. and rough night.. it will be pass fast I hope so..


Next day.. I wake up.. done my business and greet everyone.. me and Ari both act front of them like Nothing happend.. we talk eat breakfast together.. and said goodbye to our friends.. and than leave the house.. before we go Ari said somthing that make my heart hurt..

" I don't want that our parents know that we both are not in talking tearms so never think that I forget everything.. I remember everything you done.. so never thought about second chance.. I will ever give it to you you understand..." She said get in car and drive away.. that same time Mia come and park her car front of me..

I still looking at car how she said this thing and drive away.. for her it's to easy to say things.. I am going to cry but than Mia call me out.. I broke my thoughts make myself that I am good and run my hand to my hairs give her my best smile and get in car..

" Yoo girl what happened.." Mia said.. I look at her shame my head told her no..

" It's nothing.. so good morning Mia.. how's you.." I ask her changing the topic..

" You are changing the topic but it's okky whenever you feel like want to share somthing with me you know where you can find me.. " she said to me.. I nodded with my head give her sad smile..

" And yaahh good morning to you to my Elle.. if you are fine and happy than I am more than fine and happy.." she said.. like this she shart the car.. we both are one our way to school..

" So... Today is going to be Little hard for you.. but dont worry we girls are always by your side to you.." she said.. and that I know it already..

"Relxx Mia.. nothing going to happen.. if it dose than you know I will always do one this.. is that ignore them.. " I tell her..

" I know my baby girl is right but think is that I don't want anyone to do things that they used to do.. I mean we know you can handle it.. but still we want you to take care of yourself okkky baby.." I know she worried about me.. I also know how in my past life Nick and queen be used to bully me and insult me always..

" I just want to concentrate in my exams.. " I told her.. that's why I am coming school.. she also know that this too..

" I know right.. but I still want you to fight back when it's needed.. don't give them chance talk sheet about you.. which you don't even do anything about it.. " she said to me..

" What if I do shits.. " i ask her..

" I know you in my whole life.. I know you will never do that Elle.. and if you have feelings for Noah.. so what is big deal.. there is nothing to embarrass.. there is nothing to hide Elle.. " she said to me.

" I didn't hide it.. I did confess yesterday didn't I.. " i told her..

" I know right.. I also was there.. I don't know why yours sister and Nickk have problem with this.. " she said..

" I don't care about them.. they want to know I told them.. now whatever they want to do they can do it.. I am just going to ignore them.. it's just for few more days.. after that we are having our vacation.." I tell her..

" Don't forget that they still both are part of your family.. maybe you will get out this school.. but not home.. so you have to strong which is you are.. I just don't know what to said.." she said.. I also don't get it what she want to said.. I know she want me to not to broke down and give them chance to insult me and all.. but I can't fight back they are my family.. I can't fight with Ari.. she is my ony sister.. and Nick.. I know I can try my best to ignore him..

" Change this topic please drop it" I said to her.. I don't want to think about it.. and stress my mind..

" Fine.. " she said.. we both are reached the school.. and get out from the car..

Everyone already looking at us.. they way my sister get out from her car.. and than me and Mia both get out from car.. it's ture we sisters never part away.. we always come together in school.. for me it's also new.. and I know they also having gossip about this too..

" Here we go.. we just reached and people are already started.." she said.. I other hand.. didn't look at them.. I stair at ground and walk with her..

" You okky right.." she said to me.. I know I am Shaking bit I still try my best to avoiding all grece to them..

" I am trying.." I said to her in low voice.. the same time Holly Derick also come and join us.. and they hug me.. I hug them back.. we all are walk to my locker..

" How's you Elle.." Derick ask me..

" I am fine.." I said to him with smile..

" No matter what Elle.. we all are with you.. you are not alone.. okky.." he said me again.. hug me and kiss my head..

" We always love you.. and always be your side.." Holly said and she also did same..

" Thank you guys.. it's means a lot to me.." I tell them..

" That's what friend's for right.." Nat also come and join us.. he also  hug me.. and ask me that I am oky or not..

" Lena.." Noah come and call my name.. I look at him.. he close our distance and hug me.. I did hug him back tightly..

" Mmmm you okky Lena.." he said to my ear..

" I more than fine when you guys are with me.." I told him and broke the hug..

" So what your first class.." and everyone know that my Frist class with them.. I look at them.. and than walk to my locker and open it..

Than I found out the latter which I forget to read it.. there is one more latter I see.. I have to read it what is this for.. I pull both are latter's and take or in my bag pack..

" Don't worry guys.. I wil be managed.." I tell them.. and turn around look at them give them small smile.. they all nodded with head.. and we get group hug and than everyone part away to walk there class..

I on my way to class.. I do feel glance from group of guys and girls.. and they talk about me.. I Ignore them.. try my best to not heart there shit..

When I reach class. I find myself last chair of corner of the class.. I stright walk there get myself comfortable.. after that did first thing is.. take out my all books and than that latter's to.. I do want to see what is this..

If it's from him.. who keep taxting me.. than I have to find it.. he did text me good morning and good night.. which I always try to ignore his texts.. it's good think that he don't mind if I did give me reply or not.. but this latter's.. I do want to know it.. what is in there..

I open it first latter which I found it yesterday and forgot to read it.. it's says..

I am watching you..

What is the meaning of that.. I already know that he is watching me.. what he means.. I read next one latter.. and it's says..

Can't wait to see you.. and have you.. see you soon love 💕

That make me disgust.. I again throw back out in the window.. I hate it.. the way she said this.. what he wants from me.. whatever is that.. I have to find it.. but how..