Family Curse..

" Miss O'Leary.." he said.. and i did look at him and give him smile..

" Hope you don't mind to join you.." he said to me.. other side I just can't even speak.. where my voice go.. I don't want to embarrass front of him.. so I just nodded with my head.. and he join me sitting beside me..

" I heard a lot about you.." he said.. and I rise an eyebrow to him.. giving him question look.. I mean I never know him.. who's he.. and he said he heard about me alot..

" Ohh I forgot to introduce myself to you.." he said to me.. I still don't said and look at him to complete whatever he want to said..

" I am David lopez.. and I am big Mafia don.. " and hearing this my eyes wild.. what the hell.. he is from Mafia.. he is Mafia don.. are you kidding me..

" Well I do want to talk a lot.. but before I continue I do want you to come and join me to dance floor.." he said forward his hand to me.. and I got shivier.. still introducing himself he want me to come with him and dance with him..

" Are you kidding me.." I said to him arrogantly..

" No I am serious about it.. and I hope you cooperat with me.. or you don't want any think happen too you family right miss O'Leary.." he said dangerously.. and I glup.. where I get in involved this time.. I do scred hearing this.. I don't want to but he don't give me any other choice.. and I join him to dance floor..

We both walk to the middle of the dance floor.. he pull me closer to him.. and I do sacred.. want to push him alway from him.. and run away from this place.. but I just can't for my family sake..

" Ohh I forgot to tell you that you look like ice Queen.. perfect as always.. no matter you sister did made sure that to spoil your reputation.. but she forgot that you are the everyone's first chpice.. no matter what you wear.." he said to me.. and I do get flush by hearing this.. how did he know everything about this..

" How do you know all this.." I ask him first time.. in my mind still running one think that he is from mafia.. but what he is doing here in first place.. and what he want from us..

" Ohh my princess already forgotten me.. I mean I thought you will be now figure out that who I am..." He said to me smirking at me.. and I really want to reep it out his dangerous smrike..

" I seriously don't get you.. why you here.. and what you want from me.. " I ask him.. lots of questions going on my mind.. and I did asking him he do give me smile.. did he think that it's joke all this..

" You look cute when you act like that.. but I do want to remind you that.. we did talk in messenger.. don't we... " He said to me.. and smile at me.. really.. and than it hit me.. what he want to say.. and my eyes get wild once again.. ohh my good...

" it's.. it's... It's.. you..." I said to him hesitantly.. he did nodded with he's head bad pull me more closer to him.

" Finally.. I thought I have to pull out my cell phone and show you all things.." he said to me..

" How the hell you get here.. and you are the Stoker.." I said to him..

" I am not Stoker.. it's my love.. who looking out for you.. vmy intentions are not to sacred you..." He said to me..

" Ohh shut it out..." Before I said more..  he cut ke off..

" Your so cold fiance is coming over.. whatever he said.. you have to decline him.. and stay by my side.. I want to talk about something.. and it is important.. you do have lots of questions don't you.. if you want to know.. so do as I said.." he said to me l literally threaten me.. and i do nodded.. I do scred.. the way he said to me.. and i still getting on my head what he want to said.. that same time.. someone did come to us.. and interrupted us..

" Do you mind.. if I get one dance with my own fiance..." He said and stop us.. we both look at each other.. he did give me innocent look.. and give me message do what I said to do.. and I do nodded with head and look at Nick..

" I don't mind.. if your fiance don't object..." Nick didn't give him chance to complete whatever he is saying and snap at him.. and I know this guy will be kill him of he is not in public right now..

" And why she will be objection about this..." He ask him.. and this is my cue to say something and stop this..

" Actually Nick.. if you don't mind.. I do want to continue dance.. but feet is hurts.. so next time.. " I tell him.. and look at David..

" And you Mr David I do love to continue what we are talking about.." I said him nicely but glaring at him.. i don't know why I did it.. but yeah this basterd know how to play and how to make me threatened.. so for my family sick.. and I do want to know why he is come here.. and what he want from me..

" Lena..." Nick want to said.. but I didn't give him chance.. and walk away.. and David did follow me.. and we again site wear we are sitting before.. but away from people..

" That one is good one.. Princess.." he said to me.. and I Rolle my eyes..

" You better start talk here.. I don't want to create more drama.." I snap at him..

" Or what you will you do.. you forget that.. if you do something wrong move.. my man will be kill one of your family member.. and you still get guts to snap me Darling.." he said to me.. I really want to throw punch at his face.. seriously this is man is full of himself.. but right now he is also right I can't do this anything that make my family harm.. so I shut my mouth and wait for him to talk..

" So now that you are behaving like good girl.. I want you to meet me tomorrow.. I will pick you up tomorrow at five o'clock evening and than we will talk.." he said to me..

" And yes darling it is date.. so better be don't disappoint me.. " he said to me.. I mean seriously date.. who want to date him..

I know he is look handsome but he is handsome devill he know how to show his charm and than play his cards..

" How the hell no one knows you.. " I ask him..

" That's for them to found out and me to know.. right now I just want you to do as I said.. " he said to me.. his bloody attitude I can't bear it..

" And trust me darling.. after tomorrow you will never ask me more questions.. your all doubts will be clear tomorrow.. I will assure you... " He said to mee touching my cheecks.. I hate his touched but I can't say anything to him..

" I know you don't like me.. but trust me sweetheart I am not that bad.. " he said to me in my ear.. making my whole body Shiver..

" Why you all doing this to me.." I said to him.. literally want to cry but I control my treas not to come out front of him and show him that how much I am weak right now he making me..

" I don't want to but this is what called out family curse and I am doing what they want me to do.. i can't back out.. and I hope you also do the same.." he said to me.. and kiss my checks.. I close my eyes.. not want to show him that how many secrets that I still want to find out..

" Lena.." someone call my name.. and when my open eyes.. he is already left me there.. and I am the only one who seating there lonely.. my friends come to me.. and make me realise that he is really gone..

" Lena you okky.." Mia come to me.. and touch my hand.. and I broke my all thought and lookat her.. and nodded with my head.. I do still feel sacred. And I do know that he is still looking at me from somewhere.. but where I don't know..

" We are looking for you.. and who's that handsome hunk you are dancing with.." Holly said to me.. and I look at her.. I do want to tell them he is not handsome but he is devill.. and he is monster not handsome hunk..

" Hyyy you okky.. you look like you seen yhe ghost.." NET said to me..

" Nothing it's just..." Before I said.. Mia cut me off..

" I know what you are thinking.. it's.. Nick.. right.. we did see how he come when you are dancing with that handsome man.. " Mia said to me..

" Guts let's go get some food.. I am hungry... " Holly said.. and like this no one ask me more questions.. and I do ignore all of this..

" Did you see how Ari and Noah both are dancing together.." Mia said.. and I forgot to see that if they both are okky or not..

Everyone come and joined us.. we all are seat together and started to eat food.. my parents Nick's and Noah's parents all are join us.. we all talkand eat food..

In other hand.. I am the one who still don't want to talk with anyone or say anything to anyone..

I am thinking about my tomorrow date with David lopez.. who's Mafia don.. and I don't know why he come here. What he want from us.. why he want me.. and what he purpose from all of this..

" Dad I want to said something.." Ari said loudly that I broke all my thoughts and look at her.. what she want to say..

" Go one my hun.. what you want to say.." mom said to her..

" I was thinking to join you in your business dad.. it's just that I do think a lot.. I know I do have my own goal.. but now i feel like you guys are first before everything.. because of you guys I am here.. and I do want to continue with this.. make you guys proud and join business.. " she said to me.. I don't know why she suddenly change her decision.. but whatever is that.. I don't mind in that.. if she want to join than she can.. I on other hand will back out.. and complete my own dreams..

" That's.. that's good think.. I love it if you do join our business.. after us.. it's all is your guys.. so I don't mind it.. even Elle also don't mind right Ella.. " dad said to me.. and I did give him smile and nodded with my head..

" Yeah.. if she do want to join the business.. than I do love to continue my studys in medical.. I don't mind in back out for this.. " I tell them..

" Lena.. you don't have to back out my child.. if you both are interested in business than we don't mind in this... " Dad said to me..

" I know right.. but dad.. you also know that why I told you to do it.. I thought Ari not interested..." And ari cut me off..

" Who said I am not interested.." she said to me.. and nodded with my head..

" See she is interested.. so I better back out.. and you already know how I want to be a doctor.. " I tell them..

" You sure you want to back out.." Michelle ask me.. and I look at him and nodded with my head and smile at him.. assure him that I am sure about it..