: The Heroine

"Csille, why are you standing there?"

Prince Fraser's voice draws my attention as he approaches me in the palace hallway.

"I'm sorry, I was just admiring the painting," I explain, turning back to look at the artwork.

Prince Fraser steps beside me, his gaze also fixed on the painting.

"The peony flowers painting. Do you know who painted it?"

Prince Fraser gazes back at the painting. "Do you like it?" he asked.

I nod, returning my attention to the artwork. "I love it. It feels so lifelike, and I sense the emotions it conveys."

He smiles, his eyes still fixed on the painting. "Did you know peony flowers are associated with romance and marriages?" he asks, glancing at me.

I nod once more in response to his question.

"I painted it," he reveals. 

    I'm surprised. I hadn't known that Prince Fraser could paint. I didn't include that detail in my writing.

   Prince Fraser chuckles at my reaction. "What's so surprising? I do have some artistic talent. Would you like me to paint you?"

   "I believe you. It's just unexpected. You're quite skilled. You seem to have a wide range of abilities."

The Prince laughs. I return my gaze to the painting of the peonies.

"It doesn't look like something a nine-year-old would paint."

Prince Fraser playfully pinched my cheeks and smiled. "Do you want it? I could give it to you."

    I shook my head quickly. "No, thank you. I mean, I appreciate it, but it belongs here in the palace."

   And I'm not particularly fond of the symbolism associated with peonies.


"I believe it would complement the Lauretré residence as well. However, if you prefer not to have it, I won't insist. I can always offer you a different painting instead."

I shake my head. "It's alright. You don't have to." Prince Fraser frowns at me. "Okay, if you insist," I mumble.

Prince Fraser's face lit up with joy upon hearing my words. He then proceeded to escort me to his private library, and as we walked, I found myself silently gazing at his back as he led the way.

Peony symbolizes romance and marriage? However, in the Victorian era, it was also associated with anger. I hope your painting wasn't inspired by the latter meaning.

Prince Fraser shows me his book collection, ranging from novels to political books, and even what seems to be an encyclopedia. I simply observe as he explains some of his favorite books.

How much time has passed since I woke up here? It must be over half a year now. And it's been months since my friendship with Prince Fraser grown stronger.

Once a week, Prince Fraser would invite me to the Palace. Last week, we explored the entire garden and did some planting. Today, he showed me his book collection.

"And this book." Prince Fraser raised a book entitled 'The Parallel Universe'. My eyes widened when I saw it. "It's about a theory that outside our world, there are other living people in a different universe. This book is fascinating."

I look at the book intently. "Can I take a look at it?" I asked. I don't know why but the book has something that drawn me in it.

Prince Fraser handed me the book, saying, "I didn't know you were also interested in this subject. When I first read it, I found it quite absurd. Who would believe in something like that, right? But as I got halfway through it, I began to consider the possibilities. What if there really is a parallel universe out there? What are your thoughts on it, Csille?"

As I skimmed through the pages, I initially thought it was just a typical book about the parallel universe. However, one paragraph caught my attention, causing my eyes to widen in astonishment.

'As a child, I often had these peculiar dreams. I saw people wearing strange attire, surrounded by towering glass and metal structures. Everyone seemed to be in a hurry, fixated on some square object in their hands. I even witnessed what appeared to be individuals conversing with someone invisible. I recall hearing the term "Earth" mentioned, although I couldn't be certain. This world felt distinct from our own. Initially dismissing it as mere imagination, as I grew older, I began to entertain the possibility that this was a glimpse into the workings of a parallel universe.'

"Csille? Are you okay?" Prince Fraser's voice jolts me out of my reverie.

I attempted to compose myself and nodded at him. He shouldn't see how startled I was.

Does this mean there's someone else here who came from the real world? This world isn't Earth, I'm certain of it. Fraser mentioned that there are only ten kingdoms in this world, and it's bordered by water. Someone attempted to explore beyond this world, but they found no islands. So how could that person know about Earth?

I gaze at the prince. "I'm fine. I'm just surprised. How can someone think of such ideas?"

Prince Fraser settles beside me and reads the book as well. "But do you believe in parallel universes, Csille?"

I meet his eyes. "Do you?"

Prince Fraser takes the book from my hand and quickly skims through the pages. He then points out the part I was reading earlier. "I'm not sure why, but this section really grabbed my attention. It sounds like an intriguing world to live in. Earth? It's a fitting name. How about you? What are your thoughts?"

I want to muster the words to confirm the truth. That there's indeed a world called Earth, that I originated from it, and this world is merely a fictional creation of mine. But each time I attempt to speak, my mouth remains shut, as if it's being controlled by someone other than myself.


My head shakes on its own. It seems as if it didn't want me to mention anything about traveling through space.

"I don't know. It's not that I don't believe it. It's just that it's hard to believe in something that you've never seen in the first place or that has never had any evidence for the claim." Once again, my mouth spoke without my control. Aside from talking to our maids, I usually don't lose control of my body.

Prince Fraser's shoulders drooped. "I see," he muttered, then stood up and returned the book to the shelf.

I wanted to retract my words, but my mouth refused to cooperate. It remained firmly shut.

Prince Fraser continued to show me his other books, though I sensed a tinge of disappointment in his reaction to my response. He likely assumed I shared his belief in parallel universes. While I did, my mouth seemed unwilling to voice it.

In an attempt to make amends, I offered to prepare tea for Prince Fraser. He was taken aback by my offer probably because he believed I had no knowledge or experience in such tasks.

"I know how to brew tea. I also know my way around the kitchen. You should see me cook sometime. You'd be amazed, for sure," I remarked as I brewed his tea in the enormous palace kitchen. You could probably make a room out of it.

Prince Fraser chuckles and tousles my hair. "Okay, okay, I believe you. However, you need to cook something for me to fully believe it, okay?"

I smiled at him and focused on brewing the tea. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a few maids peeking into the kitchen. I wanted to smile at them, but I found myself glaring instead. The maids quickly retreated.

I internally scolded myself for the behavior. Attributing it to the Csille within me. What did those maids ever do to you? Fortunately, Prince Fraser didn't witness it.

After a short while, I brought the tea to Prince Fraser. He greeted me with a smile before inhaling the aroma of the tea. "It has a pleasant fragrance." He then took a sip. After savoring the taste for a moment, he looked at me and said, "I like it."

Once again, I find myself blushing and quickly turn my focus to cleaning the teapots and cups.

Prince Fraser laughs softly. "I really did enjoy it, you know."

As I nod my head, I silently exit the kitchen. Placing my hand over my chest, I feel my heart racing.

Why is your heart racing like this? Are you serious? Do you actually have feelings for him, Ysavel?

Oh no! That can't be right! He's just a nine-year-old boy! You're already twenty-three, more than double his age. He could practically be your little brother. No! No!


"Presenting Count Waltier Lauretré, Countess Marcelle Lauretré, and their only daughter, Csille Lauretré."  The announcer said just before opening the door.

  It's a celebration banquet commemorating the successful peaceful negotiation with the Aeslaerean Kingdom. The Aeslaerean Kingdom is the neighboring kingdom of Vrawyth and also their rival kingdom. Among the ten kingdoms present in this world, Vrawyth and Aeslaerean are the two strongest kingdoms. Due to their strength, these two kingdoms often compete for the title of the strongest kingdom.Today, they have announced a peace treaty for ten years. 

  The Lauretré family, as one of the most prominent noble families, receives an invitation to the celebration banquet, along with other noble families and individuals holding positions within the monarchy.

    A palace servant escorts us to our designated table. My father excuses himself to greet the other family heads and left us at the table for a while.

   The noble family heads seize this opportunity to establish connections with other families. The celebration is set to begin in an hour, so the nobles gather around to engage in conversation beforehand. My father is already engrossed in discussions with monarchy officials, while my mother joins the conversation with other noble wives. Meanwhile, the children of the nobles are left to their own at their tables. Some become bored and start playing around.

   I was engrossed in observing the surroundings when the announcer declared the arrival of a new guest. It was likely another noble family joining the celebration.

   "Presenting, King Thoumassin Saintizin, Queen Roesia Saintizin and the Crown Princess Paislee Saintizin of Aeslaerean Kingdom."

I immediately rise from my seat as the door opens, and in walk the Queen and King of Aeslaerean. Following behind them is the nine-year-old Crown Princess Paislee.

I'm bewildered. This scene wasn't part of my storyline. Prince Fraser and Princess Paislee weren't meant to cross paths in their childhood. Why is this happening?

I quickly scan the room for Prince Fraser, only to see him briefly glance at Princess Paislee before looking away as if uninterested. This wasn't how it was supposed to unfold. They weren't supposed to meet under these circumstances.

I scan the room and notice many people admiringly gazing at Crown Princess Paislee. It's no surprise. She's quite striking. With her long, blonde, curly hair, and clear blue eyes, she captivates everyone's attention. Her delicate features give her an almost doll-like appearance, and her attire only accentuates her beauty. Making her the most enchanting presence in the room tonight.

She's absolutely stunning. I didn't know she was this beautiful. If Csille is considered the most beautiful girl here in Vrawyth, Paislee could certainly rival her, but Paislee exudes a distinctly noble aura.

The King and Queen of Vrawyth welcomed them and led them to their seats. King Thoumassin sat beside the King, while the Queen conversed with Queen Roesia. Prince Fraser and Princess Paislee were seated beside each other.

The nobles and officials fell silent, simply observing the royalty from the two kingdoms. Perhaps they were in awe of how well-suited these two families appeared together. It had been more than a decade since the two kingdoms had sat side by side like this.

It's indeed good news that a peace treaty has been established, but what awaits beyond the ten-year timeframe? I ponder the aftermath of Prince Fraser uncovering Princess Paislee's deception, the latest scene I penned. Will it lead to conflict between these two protagonists?

  After a brief period of silence, the King formally inaugurated the banquet. Many noble families approached to pay their respects to both sets of royalty from the two kingdoms. My mother called me to join her in offering our respects.


"Greetings, Your Majesty. Count Waltier Lauretré extends his respects to His Majesty," my father declared with a bow before the king, then turned his gaze to the queen. "And to Her Majesty, and Your Highness, Crown Prince Fraser."


The Queen and the King simply nodded at my father. Father then greeted the King and Queen of the Aeslaerean Kingdom as well. My mother and I curtsied and bowed respectfully.

    The King motioned for my father to approach, giving him a friendly pat on the shoulder. "King Thoumassin, allow me to introduce my most trusted subordinate, Waltier Lauretré, the Count of Vrawyth Kingdom." My father bowed to King Thoumassin and they start engaging in discussion about the peace treaty.

The Queen then requested my mother's company for a conversation with Queen Roesia. Leaving Prince Fraser, Princess Paislee, and me by ourselves.

   "Prince Fraser, please accompany Princess Paislee and Csille. Queen Roesia, Countess Marcelle, and I need to have a discussion."

   Prince Fraser nodded at the Queen. "Yes, mother."

I simply bowed my head at Prince Fraser and Princess Paislee. It's still hard to believe that I'm standing before my main characters. The only difference is that I'm inhabiting the body of the antagonist.

   Prince Fraser gets up from his seat and strides over to where I am. I quickly shift my attention away from him, pretending to be interested with the children playing nearby.

"What are you doing there?" he asked, blocking my view. "Let's give Princess Paislee a tour of the palace." Prince Fraser gestured toward Princess Paislee's seat, implying that I should join her.

  Princess Paislee glanced at both of us before focusing her gaze on me, offering a warm smile. "You must be Csille Lauretré? "The epitome of beauty in the Kingdom of Vrawyth."

  I shake my head at Princess Paislee. "This Count's daughter don't dare to say so." I reply, bowing my head respectfully. "Greetings to Crown Princess Paislee."

   The Princess smiled warmly and waved with her hand. "Just call me Paislee. I've heard about you. It's nice to finally meet you. Would you like to be friends?"

   I glance at both Princess Paislee and Prince Fraser. The Prince simply nods in encouragement.

   "It wouldn't be appropriate for me to do so. You're the Crown Princess of the Kingdom of Aeslaerean, and I'm just a Count's daughter."

    Princess Paislee looks at me with a pleading expression. "This isn't about titles. I simply want to be your friend. Will you let me?"