: Writer

Mother has recovered well, although her broken bones are still in the healing process. She left the hospital a few days ago, despite the doctors' reservations, because Brother Pascal is staying with us temporarily. He took a break from his hospital duties to live with us at the Lauretré residence.

Two weeks have passed since the accident, and a month since my father's departure to the western region. During this time, there has been no news from him. Brother Pascal has assumed the head of the Lauretré family in the meantime. Additionally, the King has appointed Brother Pascal to temporarily fulfill my father's duties within the monarchy.

The nobles' attitudes towards us began to shift. Previously, they found the courage to oppose us in my father's absence. Now, they refrain from provoking us altogether.

They probably realized that since Brother Pascal is taking the role of the head of the Lauretré family. It will be the end of them if they do something against us.

Furthermore, the investigation into my mother's accident is ongoing. Nonetheless, Brother Pascal has stated that due to the King's keenness to identify the culprit, the investigation will conclude swiftly, ensuring that the wrongdoer faces consequences for harming the Countess.

 "Csille, I'm heading to the Palace today. The King has requested my presence. Perhaps he discovered the culprit behind the Countess's accident," Brother Pascal informs me as he approaches. He gently tousles my hair. "I need you to remain at home while I'm at the palace, alright? Also, I've replaced the Countess's bandage. Please take care of her."

   I shake my head at him. "But mother wouldn't even let me care for her. She insists I focus on my training. Brother, please help me convince mother. I truly want to look after her,'" I say, pouting as I grasp his arms.

"I'm afraid I can't change Aunt's decision. Besides, I believe she's correct. The Royal Competition is approaching soon, and you must devote more time to practice. I've heard from the butler that your flower arrangement skills have improved significantly. Make one for your brother Pascal, and I'll bring you home a princesstårta. How does that sound?"

Just hearing the name princesstårta makes my mouth water instantly. It's the green dome cake Rufus and I enjoyed. The favorite dessert of Csille and now my favorite cake too. I nod at him and offer a smile.

"Good, I need to leave now. Remember, you promised not to leave the house, okay?"

"I won't. I promise you, brother."

Satisfied with my answer. Brother Pascal taps my head and leaves the residence. When I heard the carriage left, I immediately took my small bag that I hide behind the pillows. I look around and walk towards the back door. I was about to open it when the butler comes out behind me.

"Miss? Where are you off to? The Master instructed me not to permit you to leave the house."

"I was just about to go to the garden to practice flower arranging. Am I not permitted to be there?"

The butler scrutinizes me for a moment, perhaps trying to ascertain the truth of my words. "But didn't your tutor already mention that you've mastered flower arrangement?"

I nodded enthusiastically and smiled. "Absolutely, but Brother Pascal requested one from me. How can I refuse him, right? Oh, and," I pulled out a piece of paper from my pocket. "Please locate these flowers for me now. I want to make a bouquet out of them."

It's fortunate I had everything ready beforehand. The paper contains a list of rare flowers native to Vrawyth. It will take some time for them to locate all the flowers on the list.

    The butler eyes me suspiciously before accepting the paper from my hand. "I'll arrange for someone to arrange these for you, Miss."

I waved my hand at him. "You may go now. Also, please summon a maid. I require assistance." With that, I opened the back door and pretended to walk through the garden.

   I glance around to ensure no one is nearby. Seeing no one, I quickly kneel down and push aside some bushes, revealing a small hole at the base of the wall. It's a secret passage I had Rufus's servant created before.

I crawl through the passage and emerge on the other side. After carefully replacing the bushes to conceal the entrance, I scan the area. Spotting a carriage with a small purple flag at the end of the alley, I glance around once more to ensure no one is nearby. Seeing no one, I hasten toward the carriage. The henchman promptly steps down and opens the carriage door for me. Inside, a bored Rufus greets me.

"Why did you keep me waiting for so long? I've been here for an hour," he snaps impatiently.

I roll my eyes in response. "Brother Pascal wouldn't allow me to leave. He's still troubled by my mother's accident, and with my father absent, he's probably concerned for my safety."

Rufus nodded reassuringly. "Don't worry, as long as I'm here, I won't let anything bad happen to you."

I glance at him and smile at him. "I appreciate that, but can we go now? I'm concerned the butler might notice my absence."

    Rufus signals the coachman to start the carriage. I then ask Rufus for a favor to help me locate the author of the book "The Parallel Universe," the same book that Prince Fraser introduced to me. Though I'm unsure why, I feel a strong urge to meet this person.

Numerous occurrences are taking place that I haven't written. Additionally, my transmigration from the real world into the realm of the novel remain a mystery. I believe meeting this author could provide some answers to my questions.


"Are you certain this is the right location?" I scan the area, finding nothing but an empty field. There are no houses or people in sight. Just trees and bushes as far as the eye can see.

"The report indicates that the person resides here. I don't understand why there's no one around," Rufus remarks, scanning the area even with binoculars.

"Perhaps there's been a mistake. It's possible the location is elsewhere. Can we trust the source of your information?"

"Hey! I'm certain. They're one of my father's trusted associates. Maybe the person you're searching for has moved elsewhere," Rufus asserts, setting down his binoculars.

"That's not possible. I absolutely need to meet that person," I sigh, attempting to navigate through the bushes and trees. Perhaps they're hidden amidst the foliage.

Rufus grabs my hand. "Csille, let's head back home. Perhaps there's an error in the report. I'll have some of our men investigate further. Come now, it's getting late. You wouldn't want Brother Pascal to find out you've sneak out, would you?"

I cast one last glance around before making my way to the carriage. For some reason, I can't shake the feeling that something important is about to occur. I can only hope it's just my imagination playing tricks on me.

"Why are you so determined to find the author? What's the significance of meeting this person? I don't understand why you're pursuing this now, especially considering the ongoing danger. While your brother Pascal has assumed the Duke's role temporarily, it doesn't guarantee that those individuals will cease their attempts to harm you."

    I simply gaze at Rufus. "I just have some questions for him."

"Some questions?" Rufus meets my gaze. "What kind of questions? Perhaps I could help you with them."

    I shake my head in response. "Forget about it. Only the author holds the answers I need. Regardless, thank you for being with me today."

    "Don't thank me. I'm your friend. It's natural for me to help you. But in this matter, I'm not sure how I can help," Rufus says, gazing out of the carriage.

I follow his gaze and realize that indeed, Rufus may not be able to help me with this. When the carriage comes to a stop, I quickly step out. "Brother Pascal!"

  "Csille! You assured me you wouldn't leave the premises."

   I approach Brother Pascal and grasp his arms. "Brother, please let me explain." I attempt to look pitifully at him, but he simply pushes my hand away.

   "You made a promise, Csille! Why did you go back on your word? You're aware that there's still danger lurking, yet you still went out? What will I say to the Count and Countess if something were to happen to you?"

    I bow my head, feeling guilty, but what other choice did I have? I must speak to that person as soon as possible. I have a strong intuition that something significant is coming.

    I'm about to respond when Rufus interjects. "I apologize, Lord Pascal. I insisted that Csille accompany me today without realizing she wasn't permitted to leave. It was insensitive of me to ask her, especially given the danger the Countess faced. Please, don't be angry with Csille. She's not at fault. You should direct your anger toward me. I take full responsibility and offer my sincerest apologies." Rufus bows his head towards Brother Pascal and remains in that position.

   Brother Pascal glances at Rufus briefly before moving in front of him and helping Rufus in standing up. "There's no need for apologies, Prince Rufus. I regret that you've been witness to this. I trust my cousin hasn't caused you any inconvenience."

   Rufus gestures with his hand, expressing his disagreement. "No, no! Csille and I are friends. She doesn't trouble me at all. Actually, I should be the one apologizing because I'm the one who always inconveniences her."

   Brother Pascal shifts his gaze from me to Rufus. "Prince Rufus, thank you for escorting Csille home. I'm grateful she was in your company."

    Rufus simply shakes his head and bids his farewell. As Rufus leaves, Brother Pascal turns his gaze towards me. "Csille Lauretré, I am disappointed in you," he says before walking inside, ignoring me.

    I follow him inside, pleading, "Brother, please forgive me. I didn't intend to go out. Rufus—" But before I can finish my sentence, he cuts me off.

   "Do you truly expect me to believe that?" Brother's voice is filled with anger. "You asked the butler to search for rare flowers, pretending you were going to make me a bouquet. All as a ploy to buy time for your escape? And you used Prince Rufus to cover for you?" This is the first time I've seen Brother this furious. He's always had a smile whenever he speaks to anyone.

I look at the floor, feeling guilty. Yes, I'm guilty, but I didn't anticipate this outcome. "I'm sorry. I actually wanted to ask for your permission, but ever since Mother's accident, you've always forbidden me from going out. I understand your concern for my safety, so I snuck out because I didn't want to bother you. I'm sorry. I only went out to look for someone."

   Brother Pascal sighs and lowers himself to kneel in front of me. "I apologize for raising my voice too. I was simply concerned when I didn't find you here. I feared something might have happened. Please refrain from doing that again, okay? If you wish to go out in the future, please inform me beforehand."

I nod and embrace Brother Pascal. "I'm sorry, Brother. I promise not to do it again."

    He pats my back and lifts me up. "Alright then. Let me take you to your mother first. She mentioned she wants to see you."

 I nod and allow Brother Pascal to escort me to my mother's room. As we enter, my mother's face lights up with a smile. "Pascal, Csille, how was your day?" she asks warmly.

   Brother Pascal sets me down, and I take a seat beside my mother, wrapping my arms around her from behind. "Mother, our day was good. How about yours? Are you feeling better now?"

   Mother tousles my hair affectionately and nods at me. "I'm already feeling much better, dear." Then, she turns to Brother Pascal. "How was your day, Pascal? Did you encounter any difficulties with the officials?"

   Brother Pascal shakes his head and takes a seat in the chair beside the bed. "They are, but I can handle it. I wouldn't be a Lauretré if I couldn't handle such minor matters. Anyways, Auntie, are you feeling better now?"

    My mother shakes her head. "I'm already feeling fine. Whenever you two visit me, you always ask about my health. Don't worry, I'm already feeling better. Besides, you mentioned this morning that I could begin going out and doing exercises, didn't you?"

  Brother Pascal smiles and nods affirmatively. Observing their conversation, I'm relieved by my mother's progress and grateful for Brother Pascal's presence with us.

I hope this positive dynamic persists, though I can't shake this nagging feeling that something might be amiss. I pray it's merely a figment of my imagination and that everything remains well.