: Time

A loud ringing of the bell jolted me awake. I scanned my surroundings, trying to locate the source of the sound. My frown deepened as I realized I was in an unfamiliar place. This wasn't my room.

     Am I still in the writer's house? I rose from the bed and peered out the window. Instead of the familiar bushes and trees in front of the writer's home, I saw a big field with many people walking or playing sports.

This was confusing. Where exactly was I?

I scanned the room, seeking some clue, until my gaze landed on a door. The room I had awoken in was surprisingly spacious, akin to a typical condominium in the real world. It contained a large bed, a study table, a sizable dresser, and two doors. Inside, I explored the bathroom, examining its features. As I prepared to leave, something caught my eye in the mirror's reflection.

   I am taken aback when I saw the reflection in the mirror. I attempt to verify the reality by touching my face. The sensation confirms it's real! I then pinch my cheeks firmly, causing them to redden. My cheeks now resemble those with blush, but I don't stop there. I proceed to wash my face with the cold water from the faucet, feeling its chill against my skin.

   It's true! Did I skip through time? I exit the bathroom and begin searching through the items in the room. Notebooks and books clutter the study table. I flip through the pages, searching for any clues. Suddenly, a paper catches my eye inside one of the books. I retrieve it and begin reading its contents.

   "Csille Lauretré. Third year high school student of Vrawyth High School of the Nobles."

   I sink into the chair, overwhelmed by the surreal turn of events. The last memory I have is losing consciousness amidst blinding lights in the writer's house. Now, I wake up to find myself as a high school student.

Questions flood my mind. What transpired after I lost consciousness? What became of the Crown Prince, my parents, Brother Pascal, and Rufus? And what happened to the Vrawyth Kingdom?

Tremendous pain pierced through my head as I reached for it, but the agony dissipated as swiftly as it had appeared when a knock sounded at the door.

 I approached the door tentatively, my heart racing with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. As I opened it, my breath caught in my throat when I saw who was standing there, causing me to quickly slam the door shut again.


   Prince Fraser, in his school uniform and looking older, stood outside. I was stunned by his unexpected presence and hastily closed the door.

A loud knock followed by a shout demanded my attention. "CSILLE! OPEN THE DOOR!"

   I took a deep breath before opening the door, offering an awkward smile to the Crown Prince as I avoided direct eye contact. My gaze wandered elsewhere, still adjusting to the sight of fourteen-year-old Prince Fraser.

   "Why did you shut the door on me?" He demanded.

I chuckled awkwardly, unable to meet his gaze. "I apologize. I'm a bit disoriented. I didn't realize what I was doing." Still avoiding his gaze. "What brings you here, Your Highness?"

   Prince Fraser caught my chin and forced me to look at him. "Why are you avoiding eye contact? Have you gotten yourself into trouble again?" He frowned, concern evident in his voice.

   "I swear, I didn't do anything," I quickly assure him, shaking my head. Despite my efforts, I find it difficult to meet his gaze, as my heart races faster with each passing moment.

   "What do you mean by asking what am I doing here? Are you expecting someone?" he inquired, raising his eyebrows. His intense gaze makes me feel flustered, and I can't help but wish he would stop looking at me like that.

 I managed to free myself from his grip and hurried into the room. "No, no, I was just surprised to see you here. Do you need something, Your Highness?" I inquired, avoiding his gaze as I faced away from him. Sitting on the bed, I turned back to him. "Why don't you come in? Let's talk here."

   Prince Fraser's expression suggested that he found my words incredulous. Pausing for a moment, I mentally retraced my statement. I couldn't recall saying anything wrong or offensive, so why was he reacting like this?

   "Do you really want me to come in?" He inquired, glancing around the room but making no move to step inside.

   I furrow my brows, puzzled by his reaction. Why is he making such a fuss? It's just a conversation inside my room. As I observe him, I notice that his face has turned a deep shade of red, even his ears are flushed.

   I approach him and place my hand on his forehead to check his temperature. "Are you feeling alright? Your face is quite red, and so are your ears. Are you feeling unwell, Your Highness?"

    Prince Fraser quickly covers his cheeks and steps backward. "Never mind. I'll see you in the library at nine. Remember to meet me there, okay?" With that, he hastily retreats down the hallway. I watch him leave, feeling confused by his sudden behavior. Strange.

   With an hour to spare before my meeting with Prince Fraser, I decide to freshen up and change into my school uniform. The uniform has a medieval style to it, with white long sleeves, a ribbon attached to the colar, a high neckline adorned with ruffles, and a vest integrated with the skirt. It resembles something you'd see in an anime cosplay.

Once dressed, I glance at my reflection in the mirror and smile, pleased with how I look.

Csille has undoubtedly grown more beautiful over time. I would wager that only Princess Paislee could paralleled her beauty.


As I entered the library, I was struck by how big and grand it is. Tall bookshelves stretched out in every direction, filled with countless volumes. I found myself wondering how they managed to reach the books at the very top shelves.

    "Good morning, Miss Lauretré," greeted a girl who seemed to be about two years younger than me. I nodded and smiled in response.

    As I walked through the library, I was greeted by numerous people along the way. It seemed that Csille Lauretré was a respected figure here, contrary to what I had previously believed. I had thought people disliked her.

   I wander the library, puzzled about the whereabouts of the Crown Prince. Despite his instruction to meet here, he's nowhere in sight. He instructed me to meet him here, but where could he be?

Glancing at the large clock, I realize it's already nine-fifteen. I've been searching for fifteen minutes, yet there's no sign of him. Where on earth could he have disappeared to?

   Just as I'm about to turn back, a hand suddenly covers both my eyes. My initial instinct is to shout, but culprit behind me whispered, "Don't shout. It's me." The hand retreats, revealing Prince Fraser grinning mischievously at me. I shoot him a glare.

Prince Fraser smiled as he led me to the philosophy area. He grabbed a ladder and reached for something in the narrow gap between two bookshelves. With a gentle tug, the right bookshelf split open, revealing a hidden room behind it. I was amazed.

There is a hidden room behind this bookshelves? Awesome!

Prince Fraser led me inside, but I hesitated, worried we might be trespassing. However, he ignored my concerns and twisted a vase on the table at the entrance. Suddenly, the split bookshelf closed behind us, trapping us in the middle of the room.

"Hey! Wouldn't we get into trouble?" I tugged at his arms, attempting to pull him back. However, I was at a loss on how to open it.

Prince Fraser looked at me with confusion, as if my words didn't make sense. Nevertheless, he grasped my hand and pulled me to sit on a nearby chair. The room we found had a small table and two chairs, resembling a tea room. A small bookshelf stood at the side.

   "Why would I get in trouble? If I own this place? Did you forget?"

I looked around the room, taking in its luxurious furnishings. It dawned on me that only someone as privileged as the Crown Prince could have a room like this.

   I offered an awkward smile, hesitant to explain that I skipped through time. Just yesterday, I was nine-year-old Csille Lauretré, but today I woke up as fourteen-year-old Csille.

"I'm still feeling a bit disoriented," I confessed. "I might need some more time to gather my thoughts. I apologize."

   Prince Fraser waved his hand dismissively. "Anyway, have you made a decision now?"

Confused, I look at Prince Fraser and frown. Decision about what? What are we discussing, Prince Fraser?

With an awkward smile, I added, "I'm sorry, I still haven't made up my mind."

He nodded. "That's okay. However, I'll need an answer from you by tomorrow, alright?" Prince Fraser extended a cup of tea to me, and I accepted it with a nod.

What am I supposed to do now? I don't know what I should decide on. I need to do something about it.


After exiting my philosophy class, I find myself walking through the hallway with little recollection of what was taught. Instead, my thoughts are consumed by Prince Fraser's conversation, which I struggle to comprehend. My mind remains adrift, unable to grasp the subject matter.

I struggled to recall any details, but my efforts were in vain. The memories refused to resurface. It dawned on me that I had skipped five years, mirroring the time gap in my novel.

Could this be the reason for my sudden time leap?

Yet, I couldn't fathom why I had to spend several months as a nine-year-old if I can skip time instantly. Moreover, what events transpired during those lost years, and why did I skip time in the first place? These questions lingered in my mind, demanding answers that remained unanswered.

Lost in thought, I failed to notice a person sprinting toward me. Before either of us could react, it was too late to avoid a collision. The next thing I knew, I was sprawled on the ground, my head throbbing from the impact against the floor.

As numbness spread through my body, voices echoed around me and fragmented memories flickered in my mind. Then, everything faded into darkness as consciousness slipped away.


I have a very long dream. In my dream, after collapsing at the writer's house, Brother Pascal and Rufus immediately rush me back home.

My mother became anxious upon hearing about my collapse, and I remained unconscious for two days. However, when I regained consciousness, it seemed as though nothing had happened.

After that, it skips ahead to the moment when my mother, Brother Pascal, and I are seated in the courtroom. It's the day of the trial for the culprit behind my mother's accident, and to our surprise, it's none other than the Marquis of the Vrawyth Kingdom.

The jury found him guilty, leading to the stripping of his title. His family was reduced to commoner status, with none of his descendants eligible for positions of power within the monarchy. While Brother Pascal and I were satisfied with the outcome, my mother reacted differently. She felt deeply wounded by the Marquis's betrayal, as it seemed to negate the once-close relationship our families had shared.

Following that, the narrative shifts to the announcement from the Aeslaerean Kingdom, postponing the Royal Competition for the Arts due to a contagious illness within their borders. A month later, this illness spread to the Kingdom of Vrawyth, resulting in numerous casualties among its populace.

As a consequence, Prince Fraser's training in the western region was prolonged. The King dispatched a letter instructing both the Prince and the Count to remain there until the illness was contained. Lasting nearly a year, the illness inflicted significant hardship upon the kingdom, leading to widespread poverty.

Once the illness was brought under control, the Crown Prince returned home unharmed. Learning of the devastating impact of the illness on the Vrawyth Kingdom, he was deeply saddened. A week later, Count Waltier also returned home, claiming to have fully recovered from the fictitious illness he had previously feigned.

Both the Crown Prince and the Count were unaware of what had transpired in their absence. The Crown Prince, moved by the continued suffering caused by the contagious illness, volunteered to engage in charitable works to assist those affected.

The Count, my father, was furious upon learning of the troubles that befell the Lauretré family. However, he expressed gratitude towards Brother Pascal for assuming the leadership of the Lauretré family in his absence. Despite Father's desire for Brother Pascal to remain with us, Brother declined, opting instead to return to the hospital to resume his role as a doctor. However, he made frequent visits to check on us.

The scene flashed through my mind rapidly, focusing on Rufus. After the illness was contained, the Duke summoned him back to his dormitory to resume his studies. I also recalled Princess Paislee in my memories. The exchange of letters between Csille and her persisted until this year, when it abruptly ceased.

After returning to the Kingdom, Prince Fraser visited me to discuss our previous conversation. We decided to let it go and grew closer as a result. We often studied together in groups and even enrolled in the same high school. Now, both of us are in our third year here.

The memories stop there. And darkness engulfs the whole place.