: Music Box


I glance around and spot Leander Smythe running toward me. He's the senior who gave me flowers earlier. He's the son of the Royal Physicians.

"Are you departing today?" He looks toward the luggage behind me.

I nod at him. "Yes, senior. How about you? When will you go home?"

Summer is starting, which means we will have a month-long break from school. My parents have already prepared everything in advance so I can go back home instantly.

"After a week, I still have some papers to submit." He's a graduating student, so it's inevitable to have more paperwork than lower-year students.

I nod at him and say, "I see. Good luck with your papers then.'"

   He smiled at me and thanked me. I looked at him, confused. He wouldn't call me just for this, would he? I noticed that he was avoiding my gaze. It seemed like he wanted to say something to me but was hesitant to do so.

"Do you have anything you want to say, senior?"

   He stared at me for a moment, then nodded hesitantly. "I-I was wondering if we could meet up outside of school during this summer break? And, uh, you don't have to call me senior. Just Leander is fine."

   I awkwardly smile at him. Oh no, I think I'm getting myself into trouble. 'I'm sorry, senior, but I thought I made it clear before?'"

   Leander's smile fades momentarily, but he quickly masks it with a forced smile. "Don't get me mistaken. I'm just asking as a friend. Friends hang out, don't they? Can you call me Leander?"

   I look at him and sigh. I've already made it clear that I don't want to be in a relationship. What more do you want from me, Leander?

  "I'm not entirely sure. My family and I have plans to travel to the western region, but the duration is uncertain. I apologize, senior. Moreover, it feels inappropriate to address you solely by your first name, considering you're still my senior."

   Come on, brother, take the hint. I don't know what to do with you anymore. I've tried the direct approach, but you didn't listen. I've been subtle, but you're still pushing? Are you a masochist?

   Leander appears disappointed by my response. Perhaps he expected a different answer.

With all the challenges I'm facing already, I can't afford to add more to the list. I just need some space right now.

   "You're planning to visit the western region? Isn't it considered quite dangerous to stay there?"

   I shrugged. It's one of the turning points for all the main characters in the novel. A week after the Crown Prince returns home for his summer break, the King will order him to undergo his second training in the western region. The Lauretré family will accompany the Crown Prince for his protection. That's why we're planning to vacation in the western region of the Kingdom.

   "I'm not entirely sure why, but that's what the Count stated," I responded.

   Leander took something out of his bag, and to my surprise, it was a music box. My eyes widened as I recognized it immediately. Shouldn't it be in someone else's possession? I frowned, feeling uneasy about the situation.

   "I actually came here to give this to you. A friend of mine gave this to me," Leander explained as he handed me the music box. Despite my reluctance to accept it from him, I couldn't refuse. This music box held special significance for Csille, and I couldn't let it go.

   "You're probably wondering why I would give you such a simple-looking box. But it's not just any small box; it has mechanics inside. Just open this lid here and take a look," he said, opening the lid for me to peer inside. He then pointed to the handle attached to the side of the box. "This is where you put your fingers and turn it around to make a sound. You put your fingers on it like this, and turn it around, and the box will make a sound."

   My body moves on its own. My face reacts as if I'm astounded by it, and my eyes continue to stare at the box as if it's my first time seeing one.

Oh, come on! It isn't that great. I've seen better ones in the real world. However, I can't blame them. Music boxes didn't exist in this world before. But since I have one in my hands now, this is the only piece you could see in this world.

  "It's remarkable, isn't it? When I first saw it, I was amazed. I couldn't believe such a small box could produce such beautiful sounds. And when he gave it to me, you instantly came to mind. I knew you would like it."

   I took the music box and held it close. "Thank you for this. I really appreciate it." I smiled at him, then glanced back at the carriage waiting for me. "I need to go now, senior." Before I could finish my sentence, he cut me off.

  "You've accepted my gift, and you still insist on calling me senior?" He looked disappointed. If he was hiding it before, now it was clear how disappointed he truly felt.

   I sigh. I already warned you, brother. It's your fault for not listening to me.

"Okay. I will go now, Leander."

   Pleased with my response, he smiled and aided me with my luggage, which I appreciated, as it was quite heavy. Climbing into the carriage, I glanced back at him. I saw Leander waving his hand at me. Returning the gesture with a smile, I waved back before the carriage set off.

   As the carriage begins its journey, I gaze at the music box in my hand, feeling a sense of protectiveness over it.

I couldn't help but think of a certain person. I won't allow the same fate to befall you in the future. Rest assured, I'll keep you safe. With a bittersweet smile, I continue to hold onto the music box, determined to safeguard it from any harm.


Upon my return, Mother, Father, and Brother Pascal greeted me warmly. Mother embraced me tightly, expressing concern. "My dear, you look thin. Have you been taking care of yourself?"

Brother Pascal stepped forward and observed me closely. "You've lost some weight. You should take care of your health always. I'll conduct a check-up on you later," he said, his expression grave, as though he were delivering bad news about a patient.

Mother gazed at me, her touch tender as she brushed my face. "Yes, you must allow Brother Pascal to examine you. Just look at my poor daughter," she said, her eyes filled with concern.

I gazed at Mother and Brother Pascal, feeling touched by their concern. It was a warmth I hadn't experienced before. In the real world, only Lena worried about me. Having someone care about my health like this felt truly comforting.

It's actually not a big deal. I did lose weight, but it's not like I'm going to die or have a deadly disease. In my previous life, I often ate only once a day to save money, yet I still managed to get by. So, this isn't something that concerns me much.

    I look to my father for help, but he merely shakes his head, mirroring the concern evident in my mother's and brother's expressions. He motioned for me to approach him, and as I did, he enveloped me in a comforting embrace.

"Your mother and Brother Pascal are correct. We should arrange a thorough check-up for you. I'm worried," he murmured gently.

I shake my head at them and simply nod. How could I argue with all three of them?

We all entered the house with smiles on our faces. Father kept recounting his achievements while I was away, mainly focusing on laws he had submitted, a skirmish with bandits attempting to capture people from the north, and various other accomplishments.

I smiled at all of them. If there's one thing I like in this world, it's the fact that I'm not alone. I have a wonderful family that's always there for me.


"So tell us, dear, how did your semester go?" My mother asked.

    I retrieved papers from my bag, resembling small index cards. Each card is designated for a specific subject. They contained my grades for each term, accompanied by notes. These notes could be either positive or negative, depending on a student's performance in school.

    The educational system in Vrawyth mirrors that of the real world, with each school year comprising two semesters. Each semester is further divided into three terms: Prelims, Midterm, and Final. Following the completion of a semester, there's a break known as the summer break, coinciding with the summer season.

    Mother, father, and Brother Pascal are delighted when they see how high my marks are.

Father chuckled heartily, visibly proud of me. He showed the card he was holding to Mother and Brother Pascal, showcasing my high marks in Geometry, one of the highest mark among all subjects. "Just look at my daughter's grades, especially in Geometry! If my subordinates saw this, they'd be envious. I not only have a beautiful daughter but also an intelligent one." He looked at the card once more before tucking it into his lapel.


Father gazes at me, his eyes brimming with pride for his only daughter. "What? I'm just simply showing them how intelligent you are," he remarks affectionately.

I look at him and let if off. How could I say no to that? He is really pleased with my reaction. Mother and Brother Pascal laugh at my Father. Yet, I notice them discreetly tucking one of my cards into their pockets. I shake my head with a smile. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. It's undeniable.

Brother Pascal suddenly directs his gaze at me, his expression shifting to one of playful amusement. "Rumor has it you've become quite popular with the boys lately, huh?"

My eyes widen as I glance back at Brother Pascal. Where did he get that information? I laugh, trying to shake off my nervousness. "I don't know where you heard that, but that's not true, brother."

Father slammed his fist on the table, causing the teapots and teacups to rattle and tea to splatter everywhere. "Who dares to court my daughter outright? Give me a name," Father demanded of Brother Pascal.

I glanced at Brother Pascal and shook my head, silently pleading with him not to reveal the name. Oh dear, please don't say his name. I already have enough problems as it is. Please, don't make it any more difficult for me, brother! I beg of you.

Mother gently taps my father's arm, trying to calm him down. "What's wrong with having suitors? Our daughter is the most beautiful among all the ladies here. It's only natural for her to have a line of admirers."

Father continued to press for a name despite my mother's attempt to defuse the situation. Ignoring my silent plea, Brother Pascal divulged the name. "His name is Leander Smythe, a senior student at Vrawyth High School of the Nobles, the second son of the Royal Physician couple."

My father turned to me, seeking confirmation. "Is it true?"

"Father!" I protested. "It's not! We are just friends. Nothing more."

Satisfied, he nods. "Good, I hope you won't forget your engagement to the Crown Prince, Csille."

"I won't, father."

    How could I possibly forget? The story about Crown Prince Fraser and the villain Csille still flashes through my mind every day. It's like my mind is constantly reminding me about the inevitable.



    I wave my hand at Rufus, and he runs towards me. We had a deal to meet a day after I arrived at the capital of Vrawyth. Rufus and Prince Fraser arrived at the capital three days earlier than me.

   "Finally! You're back. I've been so bored at home. But now that you're here, we can explore the capital like we always do," he exclaimed joyfully. He seemed genuinely relieved to have some company after being bored for the past few days.

    I shake my head at him. "I don't think that's possible."

Rufus frowns, looking at me with confusion as he takes a seat across from me. We're currently in the pastry shop where we often eat. "How could it be impossible? We both have summer break. You're not planning to spend it all cooped up at home, are you?"

    I shake my head at him and take a bite of my princesstårta. I don't think I'll ever get tired of eating this "Oh, I haven't mentioned it to you?"

"What haven't you told me?" He takes a bite of his custard cake, seeming to have grown tired of princesstårta.

   "I didn't? I'm sorry, I thought I mentioned it to you the last time we talked," I said, taking another bite. It still tastes like heaven. "My parents and I are planning to tour the western region."

   Rufus stops eating. "Western region?" He appears to be trying to remember something. After a moment of silence, he speaks again. "Is this because of the Crown Prince?"

   I look around first before nodding my head. As the Crown Prince's cousin, Rufus likely learned from the Duke about the King's choice to send Prince Fraser for his second training in the Western region.

   The Duke holds no official position within the monarchy, but he frequently advises the King on various matters. Their relationship is strong, and if not for Rufus' presence, the Duke might consider having a position in the monarchy.

   "However, Prince Fraser's training is set to last six months, but our break is merely a month. How could the two of you continue studying? Are you going to take a break?"

    I shake my head. "Of course not! The King has already arranged that for us. We've been granted special permission to homeschool for the upcoming semester."

"That's okay with you?"

    I looked at him like the question he just asked is nonsense. "Does it matter? The King already talked with my parents. How could I possibly refuse it at my own will?"

   Rufus sighed and held my hand. "Do you want me to join you?"

Shocked, I shook my head at him. "Don't even think about it. Prince Fraser and I are both high school students, and it's much easier for us to do homeschooling. Unlike you, you should just focus on your studies."

Disappointed, Rufus eats his pudding quietly. It's for your own good, Rufus. There will be danger not only for the Crown Prince but also for the Lauretré family. I don't want you to get involved.