: Can you listen to me?

"You will guard him," I say pointing at Prince Fraser, who is currently busy selling fish.

Paislee and I are currently in the market, observing Prince Fraser from a distance. It's been two days since our last conversation, and as agreed, I've introduced her to Prince Fraser. However, Prince Fraser remains unaware of my scheme, or rather, the plan orchestrated by the real Csille Lauretré.

"The person selling fish? He seems perfectly capable of protecting himself. I don't think I need to guard him anymore," Paislee shakes her head.

I study her, hoping to discern recognition in her eyes, but find none. Not bad! She truly embodies the qualities of a heroine.

"You aspire to be a knight, don't you?"

   Paislee gazes at me before nodding in agreement. Only I am aware of her desire to become a knight. It's puzzling how the real Csille Lauretré knew about Farren's or Paislee's aspiration to be a knight, especially since I never mentioned it in my novel. It's a mystery to me how she came to know.

   "If you truly want to be a knight, then simply follow my instructions. Guard him. Don't ask. Just inform me if you notice anything or anyone suspicious."

And once again, because I written this scene, I lose control of my body. It's the real Csille who takes charge once more.

    Paislee sighs and directs her gaze back to Prince Fraser. "Alright, I understand. I'll begin right away."

"Wait, you'll need to become friends with him first."

Paislee looks at me with confusion. She likely assumed she only needed to observe Prince Fraser from a distance. However, that wouldn't suffice in this scenario. Prince Fraser requires someone to be close by his side. Despite Csille's desire to always be near him, Prince Fraser wouldn't allow it. Therefore, the only way Csille can remain by his side is by having Paislee stay with him. That's why Csille chose to hire Farren to guard Prince Fraser.

    Come to think of it. it's remarkable that Csille unknowingly rescues Prince Fraser from peril in the novel. Yet, it also leads to the male and female leads crossing paths. A rescuer and a matchmaker? Quite a heavy workload for a villainess who remains oblivious to her actions.

"But why do I have to befriend him? I thought my only job was to guard him? Is it really necessary?"

Csille rolls her eyes at Paislee. "Yes, it's necessary! I already told you to stop questioning and just do your job. Don't let him know I instructed you to guard him. Just try to befriend him. Gain his trust and help him."

Paislee regards me with suspicion. This is what I admire most about Paislee. She's not like those typical female leads who are naive and to acts boldly. She's a worthy female lead.

"If you're already his friend, why hide it from him?" she questions. "You could just introduce me to him. If you don't want him to know that I'm guarding him, you could simply say that I'm also a friend of yours."

Wise. How could I overlook Paislee's intelligence? Naturally, even if I were in her position, I'd be suspicious if someone asked me to guard another person but insisted on keeping that fact hidden from them.

"Because I don't want him to be aware of it. As I mentioned, he saved me before, and I simply wish to repay the favor. However, I'm certain he wouldn't agree to it if he knew it was from me."

"If he wouldn't agree, why don't you respect his wishes?"

Oh, come on! Why all the questions? Are we in an interrogation room? Is this an interview? Even though I'm not speaking to her directly, I'm starting to feel irritated by her constant questioning. It's likely the real Csille's emotions. Of course, how could I forget that the little heiress of the Lauretré family is quite a grumpy one.

"And why can't you just follow my instructions without questioning?" Csille snapped. "I assure you, this isn't breaking any laws. I simply want to protect someone. Is that so terrible?"

And there she goes again! Can you please calm down, girl? I attempted to move my arms, but I felt a force pushing me against a wall. I couldn't budge.

"Miss Lauretré, I'm simply inquiring. If you don't wish to answer, that's fine. However, I won't risk my life for a situation whose outcome I'm uncertain about," Paislee attempts to walk away.

Yes! Go ahead, Paislee, so you won't have to put yourself in danger.

"I respect his decision. That's why I want you to guard him discreetly. I mean him no harm. I'm just concerned about his safety. The other day, he was nearly stabbed by a bandit. If one of our guards hadn't intervened, he might not be alive today."

Paislee halts and glances back at me. "Are you in love with him?"

Of course, the real Csille is in love with him. However, I am not the real Csille. I am Ysavel Vlahos, the writer of this story. I want to say that, but I find myself unable to move my mouth of my own volition.

"Love? Mister Farren, I believe you're mistaken. I'm simply expressing gratitude to him for saving me before," my mouth responds with a smirk. "Love? I don't think I have time for that."

I wanted to roll my eyes at Csille's response. Seriously? No time for love? Give me a break. You already have a massive crush on Prince Fraser, and now you're denying it? Hypocrite!

"Okay, I'll do it. However, I don't think I can do it today," Paislee remarks, glancing at the spot where Prince Fraser usually sets up his stall, only to find him gone. "I'll do it tomorrow. You can check on us if you'd like. I'll be leaving now, Lady Lauretré."

   Paislee Saintizin, I apologize if I'm unable to tell you everything. I wish I could, but how can I? I don't even have control over my own body. I'm also concerned that if I deviate from what's written in the notebook, the words of the writer in my dream will come true. Could this world collapse? I can't take that risk. I still long to return home.


"Miss, there you are. I've been searching for you everywhere. Where did you disappear to?" a worried maid calls out from behind me.

I slip away from them once more. No, I mean Csille slips away again. Because today, I don't have control over my body once more. It's because I written this scene—the scene where Csille introduces Prince Fraser to Farren, or should I call Princess Paislee.

    "Nothing. I was just taking a leisurely stroll and didn't realize I had lost track of all of you. Thankfully, you found me quickly," I reply, attempting to speak since I thought I wouldn't have the chance to today. However, I was mistaken. I could speak. I could control my body again!

    So, if I haven't written about a particular situation, does that mean I can control my body? Can I control my body for scenarios I skipped in the novel?

"Lady Lauretré?"

   I turn back to the source of the voice. It's Prince Fraser! I attempt to move my hands, and to my surprise, I can. Yes, of course, I can move them. I never wrote a scene between Prince Fraser and Csille after talking to Princess Paislee. How come this scene is happening?

"What are you doing here?" He glances at the maid and a few guards behind me. "Taking a leisurely stroll?"

"Yeah, just felt like stretching my legs and taking a walk. How about you? Aren't you supposed to be selling fish right now?" I look towards the empty bucket he's holding.

He lifts the bucket he's holding. "I've already sold all of them," he explains, then glances again at the maid and guards behind me. "Can I speak with you privately, Miss Lauretré?"

"Miss, perhaps it's best if we head home now," the maid whispers in my ear. She's likely concerned about what might happen if I talk to him alone.

Is she crazy? That's the Crown Prince. Does she think he'll harm me?

I shake my head and signal for them to leave. "Give us a moment alone. I just need to talk to him," I insist. The maid and the guards seem hesitant to comply, but when they notice my stern glare, they reluctantly step back.

Prince Fraser invites me into his humble dwelling. It's a small shelter made of woven bamboo strips for walls and roofs, providing only a modest living space. On one side, there's a bed, while on the other, there's a small table with two chairs and a tiny kitchen area.

"Please, have a seat. I apologize if it's not much," he offers, gesturing towards one of the chairs. I accept the offer without hesitation. Despite its size, the house is surprisingly tidy and well-organized.

"Prince Fraser, may I ask why you wanted to speak with me?"

There's no way he invited me just for casual conversation. Though I'm uncertain about his intentions. Does he know about my arrangement with Princess Paislee? But that's impossible. It will be years before he learns about Princess Paislee and Csille's deal. So, why does he want to talk to me?

"Csille, could you refrain from visiting my stall every day?"

My hand, that was supposed to take the cup of water he offered, stops midair. A pang of pain shoots through my heart, as if someone is pinching it. "What do you mean, Your Majesty? I haven't visited you for days now. Are you perhaps mistaken?"

I'm utterly confused right now. Why is this conversation happening? Csille and Prince Fraser weren't supposed to have this kind of discussion.

Does he know? Does he know about my deal with Princess Paislee?

"Don't tell me you're still denying it," he says, staring into my eyes. I can detect a hint of anger in his clear blue eyes. But why is he angry? "Do you think I wouldn't notice you observing me from afar?"

He stands up and turns his back to me, evidently trying to compose himself.

He knows! I thought he didn't. In my novel, there's no conversation like this. That's why I assumed he'd remain oblivious to what's happening. How could I forget that, like Paislee, he's also wise and intelligent?

They truly make a great pair. They complement each other well.

I sigh. "I'm sorry, Your Highne-"

"Bullshit!" I'm startled by his curse. Prince Fraser, please stick to your character. You're not supposed to swear. I don't think I've seen him this angry since the day I arrived here. He's always calm and composed, rarely showing his emotions. "Don't 'Your Highness' me, Csille! I told you to leave, didn't I? So why didn't you listen to me?"

He paces back and forth in the room while I remain silent, simply staring at him. This side of Prince Fraser is quite intimidating. Despite being twenty-three years old, his anger still sends shivers down my spine. Prince Fraser, please calm down, okay?

He stops pacing and glares at me. Whoa, don't glare at me like that, boy. "Didn't I leave? Why are you so angry? I made sure no one noticed my presence. If you're worried someone might discover your disguise, then don't fret. I've ensured it won't happen. My father, the Count, has also taken precautions. It's safe."

He smacks the table so hard that everything on it lands on the ground. Whoa! Do you have anger management issues? Why are you so furious? Geez, I think I might have a heart attack right now. Please don't startle me, Your Highness.

"That's not what I meant! Csille, I already told you to leave! Yet, you didn't listen to me. You continue to linger around, ignoring my instructions. Do you realize how you're putting yourself in danger?"

Wait, what? He's angry at me because I still linger around him? Because he's worried about my safety? I'm dumbfounded by his words. Prince Fraser, please don't do this. I feel like my heart might burst right now. It's beating really fast.

He sits in the chair opposite me and takes hold of my hand that's resting on the table, gripping it tightly. "I'm concerned for you, Csille. Why won't you just listen to me? What if someone discovers my secret and uses you to threaten me? Or worse, what if they try to harm you? I'm worried about you, Csille."

Oh, goodness! I take a deep breath. Breathe, Ysavel! Breathe! He's fourteen years old and still a minor. Please don't tell me you're a groomer?

"I understand your concern, Your Highness. However, the King has tasked us, the Lauretré family, with protecting and guiding you. How can I fulfill that duty if you don't allow me to do anything? Wouldn't that be disobedience to His Majesty, the King?"

"Csille Lauretré!" He takes a deep breath and locks eyes with me. "Then will you listen to me? I'm the Crown Prince and your fiancé. Isn't that reason enough for you to heed my words?"

Prince Fraser Astalieu, why would you say that to the villainess? That's not how it's supposed to go. I believe you're mistaken!