: Doctor Marcus

"Good morning, father," I greeted with a smile as I settled into the chair beside him.

Mother instructed the maid to prepare my breakfast. "Dear, how was your sleep? Is your head still hurting?"

   I touched the bandage on my head. If mother hadn't reminded me, I might have forgotten about it. I shook my head. "My sleep was great. I slept like a baby. My head doesn't hurt either. You shouldn't worry too much, mother. The doctor said I'm already okay and just need to take some rest."

   My mother sighed in relief. "You're our only daughter. Of course, I will worry." She then glanced at my father. "This is why I hesitated to let you join us on this trip. We should have just had you stay at the dormitory."

  My father looked at me and held my hand that is on the table. I could tell they partly blamed themselves for letting me accompany them to the western region. However, they couldn't change it. I had written in the notebook that Csille would join them, so it was inevitable.

  "Father, mother, please stop blaming yourselves. No one wanted that accident to happen, and it was out of anyone's control. I know you wouldn't want me to risk my life, but I also promised his majesty, the King, to protect Prince Fraser's life. If you can do that, why can't I? As the noble daughter of the Count and the Countess, it's my duty to serve the Kingdom with all my might."

    I gently held my father's hand. "Father, mother, please don't blame yourselves. If anyone's to blame, it's the person responsible for the shooting. Prince Fraser wouldn't want you to feel that way either. It's better to think of ways to catch the culprit."

Father nodded and released my hand. He paused, intending to touch my head but hesitated upon seeing the bandages. "Don't fret. We're already taking action. The King has dispatched an investigator and royal guards to handle the matter."

   Mother smiled at us. "Alright, enough with conversation. Let's enjoy our meal before it gets cold."

We were halfway through our breakfast when Prince Fraser walked into the dining room.

Clad in his customary royal attire of a white long-sleeved shirt and black trousers, he looked particularly striking today. For some reason, he exuded a sense of maturity that I hadn't noticed before.

   I quickly glanced at Prince Fraser before diverting my eyes, not wanting him to catch me checking him out. Despite our conversation yesterday, I still felt unsure about how to behave around him. It was hard to believe that a fourteen-year-old boy could make me fluster like this.

"Good morning, Count Waltier, Countess Marcelle, Csille," he greeted as he approached, taking a seat beside me.

   I avoided making eye contact with Prince Fraser and focused on my meal. Out of sight, out of mind Ysavel.

"Good morning, Prince Fraser. Did you manage to get some sleep? I heard from the doctor that you were up all night due to the operation," my father inquired, gesturing for one of the maids to serve the Crown Prince.

   My ears perk up by the word operation. True to Prince Fraser's words. The doctor that the King sent arrived in the western region last night. I hadn't been aware since I had already fallen asleep by then.

"Oh, dear! You should have gotten some rest, Prince Fraser. You barely slept the other night either. It's not good for your health," my mother expressed, her concern evident in her tone.

   "Countess, don't worry, I managed to rest yesterday afternoon. And I did get an hour or two of sleep last night," Prince Fraser reassured my mother.

Father intervened, signaling to my mother to stop worrying, and encouraged Prince Fraser to eat his breakfast.

I was busy eating my own share when I heard someone whispered beside me. "Good morning."

I paused for a moment, then resumed eating, trying to ignore Prince Fraser's presence. You didn't hear anything, Ysavel. This pudding tastes delicious. I thought to myself, taking another bite.

Then, Prince Fraser whispered on my ears again. "Did you sleep well, Csille? Because I didn't. I was thinking about someone. Do you know who is it?" His voice was barely audible, meant only for the two of us.

I took a sip of my hibiscus tea, relishing its wonderful flavor. Hmm. This tastes wonderful too. I thought to myself, trying to focus on the tea. I don't hear anything. You don't hear anything, Csille.

It's as if I care who you think about. You could think about anyone, be it Audrey Hepburn, Natalie Portman, or Gal Gadot. I don't care. Just let me eat my breakfast at ease.

"Are you mad? Why are you ignoring me?" Prince Fraser whispered again, this time with a hint of frustration in his voice.

I continued to focus on my breakfast, pretending not to hear him. It was as if he didn't exist in the dining room.

I couldn't bring myself to face him after what happened yesterday. Everything was spiraling out of control, and I didn't like how I was responding to it.

As Prince Fraser was about to whisper something again, Father asked about what happened last night.

"The doctor from the capital performed an operation on Farren, correct? Did the operation go well, Prince Fraser? Is Farren stable now?"

I silently sighed in relief, grateful for Father's interruption. He unknowingly saved me from a difficult conversation.

"Yes, Count. It's fortunate that Doctor Marcus was the one who came."

Doctor Marcus? The renowned physician of the Vrawyth Kingdom. Although he doesn't serve as a royal physician, he holds a senior position at Holycross Hospital, where Brother Pascal works. Known for his exceptional skill, he's often referred to as a healer with miraculous abilities, as many of his patients have recovered from serious illnesses under his care.

   It's the same Doctor who played a significant role in the first version of the novel. He's the one who refused to save that person. If only he had acted differently, that person might still be alive...

I shake my head, realizing it's futile to dwell on it. But I can make a difference in the future. I'll do everything I can to save you.

"Doctor Marcus. It's reassuring that he was chosen by the King. How is Sir Farren's condition now? Is Sir Farren's condition stable already?"

Father looked at Prince Fraser, who finished swallowing before responding. "Doctor Marcus said that the operation went smoothly. However, we still need to monitor him for a day to ensure his condition stabilizes."

"Oh, my, I pray Sir Farren will recover swiftly. He seems like a good man," Mother remarked.

I glanced at Mother. Naturally, he's a good person, Mother. So good that everyone can't help but admire him.

  I swiftly finished my meal and exited the dining room, eager to put some distance between Prince Fraser and me.

I made my way towards Princess Paislee's room, my mind buzzing with thoughts. Whatever occurred last night, I suspected that Doctor Marcus now knew Princess Paislee's true identity.

   I look around first, and when I see that no one is around, I immediately went inside the room and locked it. It's better to be safe than sorry.

  I stare at Princess Paislee and notice that although she still appears pale, there's a hint of color returning to her complexion, a positive indicator of her recovery from the previous blood loss.

I approach her bedside and take a seat, offering a heartfelt apology for the ordeal she endured. "Princess Paislee, I'm truly sorry for what you had to endure. I never anticipated such events when I penned that scene. Please accept my apologies," I whispered sincerely.

I sigh and gaze out the window, feeling a surge of questions flooding my mind. Why is Princess Paislee's condition still so uncertain? This wasn't how it was supposed to go.

And what about the two doctors? Why haven't they mentioned anything about Princess Paislee's disguise? It could pose a significant threat to Prince Fraser's life. While they saved him, it could also be a ploy to gain the Crown Prince's trust. So why haven't they said anything to my father, the count?

  Should I discuss this with my father? He might have information but may not want to involve us. That seems like the first step. But if not, what about the doctors? The initial one appears suspicious. He likely knows more than he's letting on. As for Doctor Marcus, he's highly respected. Will he disclose Princess Paislee's secret to my father?

If he doesn't, Princess Paislee's secret remains safe, but if he does, Prince Fraser's safety could be compromised. It's a dilemma. What will I do?

"Ysavel, don't try to go against what you have written. It will happen no matter how much you try to change it. It will happen. You can never change their destiny. You can never change your destiny."

   But the silhouette man already warned me that I couldn't change what I've written. If my story unfolds as I've written it, then I needn't fret over the two doctors because Princess Paislee's secret will remain safe for now. But in the future, her secret will inevitably come to light, and when that happens, chaos will ensue.

I'm startled by a knock on the door. Glancing at Princess Paislee, I rise from my seat and open the door.

It's Doctor Marcus at the door, flashing me a smile upon seeing me. "Lady Lauretré."

He glances past me to where Princess Paislee rests. "You visited Sir Farren? I didn't realize Lady Lauretré knew Sir Farren. May I?" He gestures to enter.

I step aside to allow him in, viewing it as an opportunity to gauge the situation. It's a risk, but one I'm willing to take.

"I'm not acquainted with him. I'm merely here because Prince Fraser informed me of his unstable condition."

Doctor Marcus approaches Princess Paislee, examining her pulse before taking a seat beside her.

"Is he alright? When will we know if his condition is stable?" I inquire, observing his movements closely. For some reason, his presence makes me uneasy.

It's different from when I first met him. Doctor Marcus and Brother Pascal were good comrades. When I visited Brother Pascal before, as a nine-year-old Csille, he was sweet and friendly to me. However, right now, he has a different aura. Like he's hiding something.

"He's stable for now. However, since he was shot and lost a lot of blood, we still need to wait for a day to see how his body will react to the operation we just performed."

I approach him. "Have you noticed anything wrong with him?"

He pauses what he's doing and slowly meets my gaze. "What do you mean?"

I scrutinize his eyes. They seem clear, devoid of hesitation or concealment. It's as if he genuinely doesn't know anything. Or does he?

I shake my head. "I was concerned that his other organs might have been affected."

"Is that so?" He glances at Princess Paislee. "Apart from the gunshot wound in his appendix, everything seems fine. I didn't expect you to be so worried about Sir Farren, Lady Lauretré."

I stare at him carefully. Despite his teasing tone, my instincts tell me there's more to his words.

"I'm just showing my concern. He saved Prince Fraser and put his life on the line for the Crown Prince. It's only natural to worry about his health. Please, don't misunderstand."

Doctor Marcus studies me for a moment before nodding. "Understood, Lady Lauretré."

He gathers his belongings. "If there's nothing else, I'll take my leave first, Lady Lauretré."

I nodded at him and watched him walk out of the room. After he left, I approached Princess Paislee and gently held her hand.

"Please be okay, Princess Paislee," I whispered softly to her. Just then, I heard someone calling my name loudly.


I stood frozen in place, feeling a surge of panic. Why does this always happen at the worst times?