: Go Back Home

"Do you want anything, dear?" My mother inquired as she stepped into my room.

We were currently sailing to the capital of Vrawyth. Since Csille had agreed to stay away from Prince Fraser and Farren for the entire trip, I had locked myself in my room and avoided going out.

   I shook my head. "No, mother, I'm fine. How's everything outside?"

Mother sat beside me and gently touched my head. "Everything's fine. Your father and the Crown Prince are currently discussing the current situation in the monarchy. The ship is sailing smoothly. The captain mentioned we would arrive at the capital in six hours. Dear, do you need anything?" Mother glanced at the tray of food I hadn't touched, meant for breakfast. "You didn't eat breakfast? It's already past noon. What would you like? Do you-"

   "Mom, I'm alright. I'm just feeling a bit seasick. Don't worry about me," I reassured her, although it wasn't the truth. I was simply exhausted after Csille had control of my body the entire day.

   I'm uncertain if I should be concerned about this. Will it happen again?

Mother helps me lay on the bed. "My poor baby. Do you want me to talk to your father? He'll agree for sure."

   I held my mother's arm. "No need, mother. Going outside wouldn't make me feel any better. It might even make my condition worse. So, don't worry about it. I understand why father made that decision. I'll just rest."

My mother sighs and caresses my face. "Alright, if that's what you want. I'll have someone bring you lunch. Please try to eat something, even if it's just a little."

   I nod and close my eyes, feeling unwell today for the first time without understanding the reason behind it.

   Mother bid her goodbye, leaving me alone. I sighed and opened my eyes. Well, it's better to have control over my body, even if I'm feeling unwell. Although, at this rate, I don't think I'll be able to do what I want to do.

As I was about to drift off to sleep, a knock echoed through my room. Frowning, I glanced at the door, wondering who could be there. Perhaps Mother?

   I lazily walk towards the door. Assuming it was Mother knocking, so I swung it open widely. I almost slam the door again when I saw that it is Prince Fraser who is standing outside my room. However, he acted swiftly, blocking the door from closing.

   I sighed and glanced at him, realizing I lacked the energy to force Prince Fraser out. Unable to defend myself, I decided to take a different approach. "Is there something you need, Prince Fraser? If not, please excuse me. I really need to rest now." Despite my attempt to close the door, Prince Fraser remained unmoved.

   "Are you still upset with me, Csille?" He sounded somber.

I shook my head, avoiding eye contact. Out of sight, out of mind. "How could I be upset with you, your highness-"

   "I told you to stop with that 'your highness'. You're my fiancé Csille. Why do you always do that?"

It's because I wouldn't be your future fiancé, Prince Fraser. Because in the end, you will still choose Princess Paislee. So, how could I just casually call you Prince Fraser?

Also, I think you two are compatible with each other. Both royalties, both great leaders, and you both have many things in common.

"Prince Fraser, do you have something to say to me? Because if not, then please excuse me I—"

    I was about to return to my bed because my knees were already giving out, but Prince Fraser grabbed my arms. Unexpectedly, my knees buckled, and I almost fell backward. Fortunately, Prince Fraser caught me before I hit the ground.

   "I've got you. I'd never let you fall, Csille. I'm always here to catch you."

   I didn't fully grasp what he said because my mind was already in a haze. It felt like I was floating or something.

    "Are you okay, Csille? What happened? Are you sick? Should I call the doctor now?"

    I shake my head. "Bed." I weakly whispered. I don't understand why I feel so exhausted today. I haven't done anything strenuous for me to be this weak.

   Prince Fraser quickly approaches my bed and gently lays me down. Sitting beside me, he places his hand on my forehead, checking my temperature.

"You have a fever. Why didn't you tell me earlier? It's a good thing you didn't fall and hit your head on something. You've just recovered from a concussion. It wouldn't be a good thing to add to it."

   I shut my eyes, finding them too heavy to keep open.

  "Do you want me to call a doctor? Doctor Marcus is staying near your room. Should I call him?"

I quickly opened my eyes and grabbed his arm, stopping him from getting up to fetch Doctor Marcus. I wasn't sure if Doctor Marcus was safe, based on our last conversation.

No! Please no! I'm still not sure if Doctor Marcus is safe or not. I don't think it will be good for me to be near him.

   I shake my head, but Prince Fraser insists, sitting back down beside me. "Csille, you need it. We need a doctor to assess your condition right now. You look pale, and I'm genuinely concerned for you. What if something happens because of this? I couldn't forgive myself if that were the case."

   I shake my head and attempt to speak, though it's difficult to form complete sentences. It's as if I've been talking non-stop for an entire day, and now all the muscles in my mouth are so sore they won't cooperate.

"Don't. I sleep. Fever. Drink medicine." Those are the only words I manage to get out.

   It's a good thing that Prince Fraser is wise and understands what I am saying. "Okay, but if your condition doesn't improve, I'll call the doctor, alright?"

I nod slowly. Prince Fraser assists me in taking some fever medicine before helping me adjust my bed so I can rest.

   "I'll be right here if you need anything, okay?" Prince Fraser whispered. He then took my hand and intertwined it with his.

I suppose it's not so bad to sleep now, especially with Prince Fraser by my side. Though I know he won't stay for too long because something will happen with Farren, and he'll leave me immediately afterward.

Of course, why would the male lead choose the villainess, right? I just closed my eyes, and I fell asleep right away.



    I glance behind me, noticing a tall figure calling my name. The man stands at least six feet tall, but his face appears blurry, which puzzles me since I have clear eyesight.

I look at the man, trying to discern his intentions while mentally preparing for the worst. Perhaps he's a criminal or a potential threat.

    "Do you want to go back?"

    My eyebrows furrow at his question. What does he mean by "go back"? Is he referring to the real world? But wasn't I told by the silhouette man that I could only return once I've completed the novel?

"What do you mean?" I inquire, seeking clarification.

   I heard the man chuckle. "You know very well what I mean, Ysavel Vlahos, a frustrated writer who wants her work to be published. Isn't that right, Ysavel?"

   I step back away from him. "Who are you?"

 "Do you truly wish to know who am I?"

    I swallowed my fear and looked at him. "What do you want from me?"

"You wish to return, don't you? To the real world? To Lena?"

   What does he mean? Can I truly return to the real world now? But what about the Count and Countess, my parents here? And what about all the other characters?

   "I thought I couldn't leave here not until I finished the novel? I haven't finished it yet."

   The man chuckled. "Ysavel, have you forgotten?"

    "Forgotten what?" What does he mean? Can he just say what he wanted to say directly? I'm tired of all these guessing games.

"Have you forgotten what I've said?"

What did he say? Have I talked to him before?

   "Ysavel, if you deviate from what you've written, this world will collapse. If the author leaves this world without completing the story as Csille, it will collapse, and all the characters living here will die. So, I'll ask you again, Ysavel Vlahos, the creator of this world, can you bear to let those people die?"

   If I return to the real world now, this world will cease to exist. The Count, Countess, Brother Pascal, Rufus, Princess Paislee, and Prince Fraser will all die?

But what about Lena? What about my life in the real world?

  "Have you made a decision now, Ysavel? Will you choose your own life in the real world and live as a struggling writer with no family? Or will you choose to save this world from collapsing and continue to live as Csille Lauretré, who has a very loving family and friends? It's your choice, Ysavel. It's all on you. So, choose wisely. You couldn't return to this world once you choose the real world. Also, remember the words of the little girl who gave you the book? She said if you write the novel in the book, it will be a big hit, remember? That opportunity will be invalid if you wish to go back now."

   What decision should I make? Should I go back now? If I go back, then I will be the only one taking control of my body. I don't need to fight over who's going to be in control. If I go back, then I wouldn't have a problem living without technology. Most importantly, I will be reunited with Lena again.


   I gaze at the man, who chuckles in response. "You miss Lena, don't you? Then make your choice, Ysavel. She's waiting for you.""

  What about the people in this world? Will they all meet their demise because of me? Because of my selfishness?

  "Alright, I'll allow you to see the real world and reunite with those you miss there. But it's temporary only. Afterward, we'll meet again, and you'll make your decision. So, think carefully, Ysavel."

   After the man spoke those words, I was enveloped in a blinding light, and I fell to the ground headfirst, losing consciousness.

  "Ysa! Wake up. It's already morning. I thought you need to talk to your editor today? Aren't you getting up? You'll be late if you don't hurry."

    I slowly opened my eyes. Trying to figure out what is happening. Lena was the first person I saw, seated beside my bed. Without hesitation, I rose from the bed and embraced her, overwhelmed by how much I missed her.

   "Oh, getting a bit touchy today, aren't we? Alright, sleepyhead, that's enough hugging for now. Remember, you've got that appointment with your editor today. Don't forget, get up and get going. I've already made breakfast for you. It's on the table."

   Lena breaks away from my hug and gives my shoulder a tap before heading towards my wardrobe. She then retrieves the dress she brought me on my twenty-second birthday.

   "Here, you should wear this so you'll get lucky today. Get up now. What are you waiting for? Do you want me to help you shower?"

   I approach Lena, embracing her tightly. I miss you so much, Lena. I want to go back now. I want to go back home.