: Ancelm

 When I open my eyes, I see a beautiful two story house in front of me. 

 Aaline beamed at me and pointed her arm to the two story house. "Ysa, welcome to the House of Seniors." 

 House of Seniors? I chuckled by its name. Aside from its name, the house looks homey and cozy. It looks luxurious and elegant, but it has this homey mood. It feels like a place where you can call it home.

 Soiartze taps my shoulders and walks towards the entrance of the house. "Come on inside. I'm sure the Seniors are all waiting for us."

 Aaline and I follow Soiartze inside. Upon entering, my mouth couldn't stop from opening. Everywhere I look is full of arts. There are paintings hanging on the wall. There are sculptures on the post. Everything seems magical. 

 "Ysa!" I look at the overly excited Aaline, who is now pointing at something. I follow what she is pointing to, and my eyes immediately widen. "It's one of my favorite paintings in here. Isn't she lovely?"