: Hide and Seek

 I was still in deep sleep when I heard someone knocks on my door. I cover my head with the pillow. But no matter how much pressure I put on the pillow, I still could hear the knocking. I throw the other pillow into the door. 

 Curse you! Who would knock at my door? They know I just arrived! Can they let me rest? Even a villainess needs to rest, okay? I'm also a human. 

 However, The knocking sound still continues. The one behind the door seems like he really wants to see me. I just hope it's not Prince Fraser. 

 But God probably hates me because I suddenly heard Prince Fraser's voice outside. Great! Can I pretend that I die? I don't really want to see him.

 "Csille? Are you sleeping?" I heard him ask behind the door.

 I roll my eyes. Yes, yes I am sleeping, so go away! I cover myself with the blanket. Afraid that he would see me awake, although I know he is still outside.