: Strzalka

 I immediately left the place after I heard what I wanted to hear. Although the information I gathered is still not enough for me. I still have questions that need to be answered, and I know that Virtouse are the only one who can answer it for me.

 I don't think Prince Fraser and the rest could get anything from that man anymore. That archer is just the henchman of those people behind that group. So, his knowledge about the group or the people behind the group is limited. The group is also wise enough not to spill unnecessary information to the henchman. 

 Instead of going back to the campsite. I decided to make a detour and rest on the lake I found. 

 With all that just happened and all the information, that still doesn't make sense to me. I think I badly needed some breather. I still need time to process everything. Also, with what they did to the archer? The violence. I really think I badly needed this breather.