: Inevitable

 After ten minutes, we arrived at the nearest market. The group is divided into five groups. It is to make the shopping faster. Five groups are assigned to buy a specific kind of food. 

 The group I am with has three people. Head miss is within our group. She then hands me a paper. "It is what you need to look for. Meet us in front of the carriage."

 I nod my head and immediately read the content of the paper. 

1. Look for a shop that sells fishes. Beside the shop is a bookshop. It is the only bookshop in this market

2. Just tell the vendor that you're looking for a fish that can only be found in the Illorian City. Just say that it was the request of Miss Sheena

3. The vendor will ask you to come inside the shop. He will lead you to the back of the shop. 

4. There's a room at the back of the shop. Inside the room, there's a clothing prepared for you. You can use it.