: The Visit

 It's already seven o'clock, and we are now outside the building waiting for the arrival of the carriage of Prince Reeve and Princess Roese.

 Prince Fraser and I are standing in front while the others are line up behind us. I am holding on to Prince Fraser's arm. We will be the ones who will act as the host for the visit of the Royal sibling.

 "Are you okay?" Prince Fraser whispered to my ear.

 I look at him and nod my head. "I'm okay. I'm actually excited for tonight."

 I heard him sigh, and he squeezes my hand. "Don't be too complacent, Csille. It may look that we have the upper hand here, but those two are traitors. Who knows what they can do. So, please be careful."

 I nod my head at him. He is actually right. I shouldn't get too complacent. The night is too long. We still don't know how this night will end. I just hope it will end up favoring us.