: Leave everything behind

 It's already evening, and we're inside the library again. Talking about what we will do next. The alliance of the three Kingdoms is a hoax, but we find anomalies with what just happened.

 "I don't think it's a simple mistake here. I think there's someone who is working in the shadows." Prince Fraser said with a straight face.

 After the conversation we had this morning, he asked me to give him some time to think. And throughout the day, he was avoiding me. It's actually good, though. I just hope he would agree with my deal.

 Princess Paislee nods her head. "You are right. Everything looks like planned. Right from the moment Leander, Prince Rufus, and Lady Csille saw the royalties from the three Kingdoms interacting with each other. It's as if someone plans that meeting. So we can be suspicious of them."

 "But if it's plan? What does the culprit want to do? Maybe we're just being too cautious again. I think we're just mistaken here."