: Yesian’s forgotten Prince

 Yesterday was a rough day for me. The real Csille took over my body and had an argument with Prince Fraser. It was a good thing when I woke up today, I could control my body again. 

 The real Csille is too much. Her attitude is really explosive, and her reasoning is so distorted that I, myself, feel irritated at her. When will she grow?

 I am about to enter the dining room, but when I see Prince Fraser and Princess Paislee, I immediately turn my back and walk outside the residence where a carriage is waiting. 

 I heard Prince Fraser call my name, but I immediately got inside the carriage and asked the coachman to start the carriage. I sighed in relief when Prince Fraser was left staring at the moving carriage I was in.

 "Lady Csille, are we going to the training area?" 

 I look at the coachman shake my head. "No, just drop me on the main street of the Saiven Kingdom. I'm taking a break from training today."