: The Grand Exemplary Competition (1)

 Csille sigh and look at the match in front of her. One of the subcategories in the Intellect already started, and Leander is the first one competing now. Csille doesn't have competition for today. So, all she needs to do is to watch the competition of her teammates.

 "Their questions are boring. How can they not answer that?" She grumbles.

 Rufus laughs. "Can't you see the other representatives are finding it difficult to answer that question? Not everyone thinks like you purplany."

 Csille is about to refute, but Prince Fraser, who is sitting beside her, suddenly speaks. "If you don't want other people to hate us. Please stop mocking other representatives."

 Csille pouts like a child reprimanded by her parents. If I am not in her body, I would probably grimace at her. Although Csille's aesthetic is incomparable but I'm not used see her acting coquettishly. That's not so her personality.