: The Finals

 The first day of the Finals of the Grand Exemplary Competition just started, and Rufus is the first one who will have his first match. 

 It's Archery subcategory. He is going against the Aeslaerean Kingdom, which ranks first, and the Wrezatia Kingdom, which ranks second. 

 The host of the game gave two whistles commands. It is to signal the archers to approach the shooting line. 

 "Do you think Prince Rufus can win this? The scores between the Aeslaerean and the Vrawyth Kindom have a huge margin. Do you think he can win this?" Leander leans towards Csille.

 Csille raised her eyebrows. "Do you even need to ask that? With the Archery skills of Rufus, do you think someone can beat him?" She scoff.

 I have written this scene too, so the one who is controlling my body is the real Csille again.