: Possibility

 "Oh dear, are you sure you want to go back to your dormitory already? You just returned to us yesterday. Why don't you rest here first? Even the King gave you a week to rest."

 I smile sadly at them. Even though I want to spend my days with them, but I need to stay away from Prince Fraser as much as possible. 

 If I stay here for another week, I'm sure there is a possibility that I will see Prince Fraser, and that's not what I want. After the conversation the real Csille had with Prince Fraser, I don't know how to face him anymore. 

 "Mother, Father. I'm sorry, as much as I want to be with you, but I still have responsibilities as a student. I was away for almost two terms now. I need to show myself to the school, or else I don't know how I can face my classmates now knowing that I skipped a semester."