: The Crime

 I absentmindedly walk through the hallways of our building. My mind keeps wandering on what Leander said to me earlier.

 "The reason why Prince Fraser beat that guy up is because of you, Lady Csille."

 "Professor Foulqueret tried to stop him, but Prince Fraser was so livid that he couldn't see reasons."

 "He keeps saying, 'How dare you insult Csille like that? Take it back, you asshole!'."

 "You should check on him, Lady Csille. Prince Fraser is in a serious situation right now. Harming someone in Alderrdeen is a great crime, and with the wounds the victim got, I'm afraid it will be difficult for Prince Fraser to clear his name. Even Sir Farren doesn't know what to do."

 Check on him? How can I check on him? I heard from Leander that Prince Fraser was confined after the incident.