: Ingvar Family

 I slump my exhausted body on the bed and close my eyes. 

 After Uncle Faramond knows that I am Ruler Laird's Goddaughter, he talks nonstop with Ruler Laird the whole stay in the Foulqueret Family. They look like friends who didn't see each other.

 I immediately said my apology to Aunt Aveline because I let them meet someone who has a special identity. But Aunt Aveline didn't mind at all. She was actually happy that aside from the Lauretré family, I have a powerful person whom I can rely upon.

 She said she is now assured that if anything bad happens, someone can protect me from any harm.

 Aside from Ruler Laird, who introduces himself as my Godfather. Prince Fraser also introduced himself as my Fiancé, which I actually didn't expect from him. Since we already talk about the possibility that we might cancel our engagement.

 With him introducing himself as my Fiancé, wouldn't that make the Foulqueret family think that I would really end up with him?