: Presentation

 I spend the rest of my week attending classes and preparing for my presentation. I sometimes see Prince Joachim if I have anything I don't understand, but as much as possible, I avoid seeing him.

 After what I have seen in his office, my mind becomes messed up. I don't know what to think about Prince Joachim anymore. I don't know if he is a good person or not. I don't know if I should paint him as a villain or a good character? 

 So, to avoid overthinking, I avoided him and just focused on my presentation. 

 And now my presentation day has come. I look nervously at the closed door. The presentation is already starting, and some students have already finished presenting their research.

 However, based on the faces of those students, I don't think this presentation will be easy as I thought so. 

 I closed my eyes and tried to relax myself. If I let the anxiety get a hold of me, I'm sure I will definitely fail this presentation.