: Graduation

 A few days have passed, and it's my Graduation day now. The Foulqueret Family and the Lauretré Family are the only ones who are in my graduation to support me.

 However, since the Foulqueret doesn't want other people to know their connection with the Lauretré Family, they didn't sit with my Parents. They come to the school with the front that they want to see the Graduation this year since Brother Pascal will be the one who'll host it.

 Lilla immediately rushes to me the moment I walk inside the venue of our graduation. She hugs me tightly. "Lady Csille! You are finally here. I've been looking for you for the past few days. Where have you been? I thought you would stay in our school only?"

 I smile awkwardly at her. How will I tell her that I was with the Foulqueret Family? She cannot know that.

 "My dear, is this your friend?" Mother who is standing behind me, suddenly asks.