: Returning to the Western Region (2)

 "Dame Csille, wake up. It's almost five in the morning now. I thought you want to welcome Doctor Pascal?"

 I abruptly stand up because of Mairenn's words. However, I feel my whole world spins because I suddenly get up.

 Mairenn immediately supports me when she sees that I almost lose my balance just now.

 "Dame Csille, are you okay?"

 I take a pause first. Trying to regain my balance. A moment after, the dizziness disappears. I look at the anxious Mairenn and smile reassuringly at her. 

 "I'm okay now. Thank you for waking me up." I look at the wall clock. "You should go back to sleep first. I know you're still tired because of our journey."

 Mairenn shakes her head repeatedly. "No, Dame Csille. How can I let you go alone? The western region is known for its higher crime rates. What if something happens to you?"