: The Consequences

 Rufus sighed before he gestured his hand for me to sit, which I obliged. Rufus sits on the chair in front of me. 

 "You're right in time. I just finished brewing tea. Do you want some? Although it cannot be compared to your tea, it still tastes good."

 Rufus takes two teacups and puts them on the table. "Doctor Pascal, do you want some?"

 Broth Pascal politely refused Rufus. He then continues to pretend he is not here. Rufus just shrugged his shoulders before he looked at me. 

 "How about you, purplany?"

 I didn't respond to Rufus' question. I just look at him intently. "Rufus, why?"

 Rufus sigh. He puts the teapot and looks at me. "I knew you would come here to talk to me. But I'm really disappointed to see you here, Csille. I was hoping you wouldn't do anything after what Prince Fraser did to you, but I guess I shouldn't have underestimated your feelings for him."