: Anger People

 "Dame Csille..."

 I look at Louisa, who is currently busy painting. She asked me to paint with her today, and since I didn't have anything to do, I said yes. Also, I feel happy interacting with her. When I am with her, I always forget Csille's horrible future.

 We're on our second week of isolation, and everything is going okay. The three of us, Louisa, Gisbert, and I, don't show any symptoms of Tuberculosis which is a good sign. We just need to do another test to check if we don't really have tuberculosis.

 "What is it, Louisa? Is there something wrong?" 

 Louisa put down her brush and looked at me. "Dame Csille, what is it feel like to fall in love with someone?"

 I frowned when I heard her question? She's just seven years old. Why would she ask me that kind of question? I know that in this world, they usually marry in their teenage years. But to hear a seven years old child asking questions about love still bewildered me.