: Sanctuary (2)

 Mister Sewell looks at me after reminding Allan. He then smiles apologetically. "Apologies, I didn't intend to make you see that." He shakes his head. "I'm glad you are here, Dame Csille. Welcome to my sanctuary. Let's come inside. I'm sure you love it more there."

 He then opens the door and gestures his hand inside. "After you." 

 "Thank you." I smile politely at him before I enter the house, and my eyes widen when I see how beautiful the house is. It's not what I am expecting. I was expecting to see expensive furniture or grand design, but everything is simple. If I used a term from the real world, it would be described as minimalist. 

 "I know this isn't what you expected, but I opt for something that is cozy rather than grand. That's why everything in here is simple. I hope you don't mind, though." I hear Mister Saintillevé say behind me.