: Worries

 A day has passed, and the whereabouts of the three leads are still unknown. Father sent an update this morning and informed us that they still haven't found any of the three. So, they are planning to search each and every nook of the forest to find them.

 Ever since we received the news, all I ever did was walk around the house, trying to calm myself down. However, no matter what I did, I couldn't help but worry about them. 

 I was about to walk outside our garden when I heard the conversation of the maids.

 "What do you think have happened to his highness, Prince Fraser and Prince Rufus? Do you think they are still safe?"

  "Safe? I don't want to say this, but I think they are not. You know the skills of Prince Fraser and Prince Rufus, even Sir Farren's skill is unparalleled. They will immediately finish all their enemies and return home. I think the reason why they haven't returned yet is because someone or all of them are in a perilous situation."