: Consequences

 "CSILLE! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? DID YOU SNEAK OUT AGAIN?" Father snaps at me the moment he realizes my disguise.

 I smile awkwardly at Father. "Father, let me explain."

 He just glares at me for a couple of seconds before he looks at the soldiers beside him. "Soldiers, make sure to bring Dame Csille home." He then gives me a deathly stare before he commands the remaining soldiers to continue their way out of the forest.

 I look at Father's back and sigh. I am definitely doomed. If not because of the emergency situation of Prince Fraser, I'm sure Father would definitely drag me home on his own. 

 I bump my head to the nearest tree. "Why do I forget that I am in disguise? I should have kept quiet and bowed my head. Look what a mess you have made, Csille."

 I was still busy scolding myself when one of the three soldiers, who was ordered by my Father to bring me home, suddenly spoke.