: Attack?

 The two guards immediately bow their heads. "Your highness!"

 Prince Fraser walks towards me while the guard, who stops us earlier, is helping him walk. Prince Fraser has a few bruises on his face. I also noticed that he has trouble using his left foot. It looks like he sustains injuries on it. Probably the reason why he needs some help when walking.

 Prince Fraser stares at me coldly before he offers his arms to me. I didn't immediately take his arm and just stared at him. It's the first time I have seen him after what happened to him, and I didn't expect I would see him the moment I stepped inside the palace. 

 But I don't understand what he is doing here. Csille is supposed to come here with her family. While he is supposed to be busy himself talking to other people. So, why is he here? 

 Prince Fraser stared at me when he noticed I didn't cling my arm to his. "Do you want me to put your arm on mine?"