: The Aftermath (3)

 I had just finished calming Father down when someone hurriedly knocked on my door. I look at the closed door and frown.

 Everyone knows I am having a serious conversation with my parents. So, why would someone knock on my door? 

 That is...

 Brother Pascal, who is close to the door, stands up and opens it without even asking me if I would like to see the person behind that door.

 I was startled when I heard Brother Pascal's voice. "What are you doing here?" There is a sharp edge in his voice, and the way he holds on to the door proves that he is just controlling his anger.

 I immediately stood up and was about to rush to Brother Pascal's side, but Father got into the door first. 

 "And what are you doing here, your highness?" Father stresses the word 'your highness' to ensure that Prince Fraser would know that he isn't happy to see him.