: Invitation from the Palace

 I walk outside the guest room that Mister Sewell assigned to me. It's past midnight already, and I still couldn't sleep a wink. So, I decided to take a breather first.

 I probably need time to think about what is currently happening and what will happen in the future. 

 I sit on the bench in the pavilion where I can watch the sakura tree. I heave a sigh of satisfaction when I see the sakura tree under the moonlight.

 It looks so beautiful and majestic. 

 I wish my life could be like this Sakura tree. Beautiful and at peace. It would be great if that is the case, but I know sooner or later, Mister Sewell will turn Csille into the villainess.

 I lay on the bench and relaxed. I think I need to relax my nerves so I can think properly.

 I don't even know how to face my parents after this. I'm sure they were worried about me, and I'm sure they were mad at Prince Fraser.