: Rufus’s Visit

 I didn't have much work to do in the office because Lilla and Mairenn had already taken care of the documents I needed to work on these past few days. So, my plan of drowning myself with work didn't happen.

  I just spent an hour or two working with documents today and spent the rest of my morning doing nothing at all.

 I look at the clock and heave a sigh when I realize it's already ten in the morning. I didn't even realize I was staring blankly in thin air for hours now. 

  I was about to go out and check what is happening in the Foundation when I bumped into Lilla, who was about to knock on my door. 

 "Dame Csille! Doctor Pascal is here to talk to you. Should I send him in?"

 I frown. Brother Pascal? Why is he here? Is he here to scold me again? 

 "Dame Csille?"

 I nod my head at Lilla. "Please, send him in. Also, make sure no one will interrupt our conversation.