: The Meeting (2)

 On the way to the Palace, Father reminds me countless times not to do something that I will regret. He was probably worried that I would force my way to talk to his Majesty.

 But even if someone paid me a million centimetes, I wouldn't have the guts to do that. That is basically a suicidal thing to do, and I am not dumb to do that.

 Father turns his head at me. We just entered the Palace gate, and soon the carriage will stop in front of the Palace.

 I heave a sigh and look at him. "Father, you already remind me a couple of times what I should do and what I shouldn't do. In fact, I already memorized it. So, there is nothing you should be worried about. I know what I should do."

  Father nods his head, but I can still see the anxiety in his eyes. I heave a sigh and just let him be. No matter how much I convince him, I know it will be difficult for him to fully trust my words.