: The Meeting (4)

  Father tugs my arms and leans on my ear to whisper, "Csille, what are you doing? What plan are you talking about?"

  I look at Father and smile reassuringly at him. Even if I were rude to them these past few days, I wouldn't let anyone disrespect Father like that. 

 The noble frowns. "If that is true, then why don't you tell us your plan? So we can see if your plan is feasible."

  I flash a smile at the noble. It's not a taunting smile but a normal smile because I know he will still not like it. And I was right. His frown deepened when he saw my smile.

  I turn my head at the King. I still need to ask permission if I am allowed to speak. 

 "You are allowed to speak. Tell us why we shouldn't agree with the Aeslaerean Kingdom."