: Court

 I heave a sigh and stare blankly at the pile of documents on my table. A day has passed already after the meeting with his majesty and the last conversation I had with Mister Sewell.

 But here I am, still worried about the favor he asked me. It might seem like a simple favor. He just asked me to be part of that group and nothing else. He didn't elaborate it to me, but I already know what it means.

  I know what does he wants. He wants me to be his eyes and ears inside the department. If they knew the next move of the Vrawyth Kingdom, it would be easier for the Aeslaerean to win against us. 

  I slump my head on my table. I had been thinking about my future the whole day, and I couldn't help but be scared. Not just for myself but also for the people I care about the most. 

  I just hope nothing will happen to them once I decide to turn my back on the Vrawyth Kingdom.