: Unexpected Guest

    My plan on taking a rest didn't happen because my mind couldn't help but think about the orders. So, the moment the sun rises, I immediately set off to the Palace.

    I wasn't able to even say hi to my parents because I wanted to talk to his majesty as soon as possible. We need to immediately find a solution to this problem or else this problem might be the reason of our downfall.

    The Butler was even shocked to see me at the Palace early this morning.

    "Dame Csille? May I know what you are doing here? Isn't this too early for you to be in the Palace?"

    I shake my head. "Apologies for coming here this early. I just had something important to talk to his majesty. Do you think he can spare me a few minutes of his time? This is a matter of life and death. So, I hope you can let me."